a-gsm 2.064 hardware connectivity (use it with SOFTWARE serial communication examples - current downloadable code) a-gsm 2.064 TXD(RX)-pin D3 RXD(TX)-pin D2 power(IN) -pin D7 status(OUT)-pin D5 resetM(IN) -pin D6 ALL PINS PINS including Vin, 5V, GND, Arduino reset are in Arduino standard. Board connection particularites: a. Arduino UNO --> STANDARD PIN CONNECTION (BE CAREFUL AT POSSIBLE SHORT CIRCUITS ON EXTRA PINS) b. Arduino MEGA ADK, ARDUINO MEGA 2560: - on a-gsm board, header on pin2 must be pulled to side - place jumper (or 1k rezistor-recommended) between pin2 and pin 10 reference: http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/GSMShieldLeonardoMega (use the connection example under Arduino Mega paragraph!) WARNING!!!! When use with Arduino Uno, please be careful at possible short-circuits between a-gsm 2.064 pins and Arduino Uno components and board! High power audio (more than 500mW RMS)! You can damage your years! Use it with care when headset is connected. We recomend to use AT+CLVL=25, audio setup command in order to limit the output power.