About the project
Just in idea to fast build your own alarm system. You can supervise one or more magnetic contacts and page via SMS the "burgler event". You can ENABLE/DISABLE the alarm system from remote via single SMS.
Use your alarm with pin 2 pin compatible GSM shields (c-uGSM or h-nanoGSM) or 3G shield (d-u3G).
Needed parts
- Arduino UNO
- c-uGSM - dual SIM GSM shield [micro] or
- h-nanoGSM - GSM shield [nano] or
- d-u3G - 3G/UMTS shield [micro]
- Magnetic contact(s)
- Power source
About c-uGSM, d-u3G and h-nanoGSM shields
There are pin 2 pin compatible shields, first one it is quad band GSM only(worl wide compatible) and has support for 2SIMs and the second one it is SINGLE SIM 3G only (North American version) / 3G+GSM (European and rest of the world version).
Those shields are compact as 1.25"x1.57"(31.75x39.88mm) / 1.35"x1.57"(34.29x39.88mm), weight around 10g, have USB support (communication and powering), auto level 3.3V-5V digital interfaces and Lithium Polimer charger integrated.
The third one - h-nanoGSM - became commercially available in 2016, August. It is a quad band GSM only(world wide compatible) + Bluetooth 3.0 nano shield, packed in an compact format 1.25"x1.16"(31.75x29.46mm) and with weight around 8g. Same as his bigger brothers (c-uGSM and d-u3G), it is not only a break-board, but a full shield having powerful features embedded, as: USB support (communication and powering), auto level 2.8V-5V digital interfaces and Lithium Polimer charger integrated.
Hardware connections
In the picture bellow you can observe all the needed connections.
Above, we use the c-uGSM shield in "WITH Lithium Polymer" configuration. In the d-u3G shield case, just connect the wires to the very same pins on the 3G shield. The same wiring schema it is valid for h-nanoGSM usage, but GSM PIN3 connection (the BLUE wire), can be un-connected.
To use it in "WITHOUT Lithium Polymer configuration", remove the RED wire (+5V) and connect the shield Vcc(4V) to a 4V power adapter. Read advanced interfacing and wiring info (click to expand) and the reference: c-uGSM, h-nanoGSM and d-u3G how to start.
display/hide advanced interfacing and wiring info
The magnetic contact it is connected between ARDUINO UNO pins D4 and GND. HINT: if you would like to have many magnetic contacts, just connect them in paralel mode (alternate way: use separate Arduino digital pins and modify the software...).
a. Start making a folder named "SMS_ALARM_Magnetic_contact_supervisor".
b. Then download the
"c-uGSM kickstart for Arduino" from c-uGSM CODE SAMPLES and UTILITIES, or
"h-nanoGSM kickstart for Arduino" from h-nanoGSM CODE SAMPLES and UTILITIES, or
"d-u3G kickstart for Arduino" from d-u3G CODE SAMPLES and UTILITIES if you use the d-u3G shield. Product EMEI and your email adress is requiered.
c. Uncompress the archive and copy "cuGSM_basic_lbr.h", "cuGSM_basic_lbr.ino", "cuGSM_SMS_lbr.h" and "cuGSM_SMS_lbr.ino" ("du3_basic_lbr.h", "du3G_basic_lbr.ino", "du3G_SMS_lbr.h" and "du3G_SMS_lbr.ino" - 4 d-u3G users, or "hnanoGSM_basic_lbr.h", "hnanoGSM_basic_lbr.ino", "hnanoGSM_SMS_lbr.h" and "hnanoGSM_SMS_lbr.ino" 4 the h-nanoGSM users) files to the folder previously created.
d. Copy the code bellow and make a file called "SMS_ALARM_Magnetic_contact_supervisor.ino" in the very same folder as above. Alternate, you can
download from here (right click & save as):
SMS_ALARM_Magnetic_contact_supervisor.ino : ARDUINO SMS ALARM & GSM/3G SHIELD - main code
1 | /* |
2 | SMS_ALARM_Magnetic_contact_supervisor.ino v 0.4/20160107 - c-uGSM shield v 1.13 /d-u3G shield 1.13 SOFTAWARE EXAMPLE |
3 | COPYRIGHT (c) 2015-2016 Dragos Iosub / R&D Software Solutions srl |
4 | |
5 | You are legaly entitled to use this SOFTWARE ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH c-uGSM or d-u3G DEVICES USAGE. Modifications, derivates and redistribution |
6 | of this software must include unmodified this COPYRIGHT NOTICE. You can redistribute this SOFTWARE and/or modify it under the terms |
7 | of this COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Any other usage may be permited only after written notice of Dragos Iosub / R&D Software Solutions srl. |
8 | |
9 | This SOFTWARE is distributed is provide "AS IS" in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied |
11 | |
12 | Dragos Iosub, Bucharest 2016. |
13 | http://itbrainpower.net |
14 | */ |
15 | |
16 | |
17 | //#define du3GShieldUsage //un-comment this if you use the d-u3G shield |
18 | |
19 | static char phoneNumber[15] = "0712345678"; //destination number |
20 | |
21 | static char nunderstand[40] = "? enable cmd: #1, disable cmd: #0."; |
22 | static char armed[10] = "ARMED"; |
23 | static char unarmed[10] = "NOTARMED"; |
24 | static char alarm[20] = "ALARM STATE"; |
25 | static char nalarm[20] = "NORMAL STATE"; |
26 | static char boot[20] = "BOOT EVENT"; |
27 | |
28 | #define magneticCONTACT 4 //Arduino Digital pin used for Magenetic Contact |
29 | |
30 | /*#####NO PARAMS TO CHANGE BELLOW#####*/ |
31 | |
32 | #define powerPIN 7 //Arduino Digital pin used to power up / power down the modem |
33 | #define resetPIN 6 //Arduino Digital pin used to reset the modem |
34 | #define statusPIN 5 //Arduino Digital pin used to monitor if modem is powered |
35 | |
36 | int supervisorMask = 1; //mask contact monitoring 1 - monitor enabled, 0 - monitor disabled |
37 | |
38 | #if defined (du3GShieldUsage) |
39 | #include "du3G_basic_lbr.h" |
40 | #include "du3G_SMS_lbr.h" |
41 | #else |
42 | #include "cuGSM_basic_lbr.h" |
43 | #include "cuGSM_SMS_lbr.h" |
44 | #endif |
45 | |
46 | #if (ARDUINO >= 100) |
47 | #include "Arduino.h" |
48 | #include <SoftwareSerial.h> |
49 | #else |
50 | #include "WProgram.h" |
51 | #include <NewSoftSerial.h> |
52 | #endif |
53 | |
54 | #define UNO_MODE //used by modem library |
55 | #define BUFFDSIZE 162 //used by modem library |
56 | |
57 | SoftwareSerial agsmSerial(2, 3); //RX==>2 ,TX soft==>3 |
58 | |
59 | char ch; |
60 | char buffd[BUFFDSIZE]; |
61 | char readBuffer[162]; |
62 | //static char mBuffer[162]; |
63 | int state=0, i=0, powerState = 0; |
64 | int alarmState=0, prevalarmState=0; |
65 | int getAlarmStatus = 0; |
66 | |
67 | void procRespose(char* msg){ |
68 | Serial.println(msg);Serial.flush();delay(150); |
69 | memset(readBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(readBuffer)); |
70 | |
71 | alarmState = digitalRead(magneticCONTACT); |
72 | |
73 | if(prevalarmState!= alarmState){ //debouce here |
74 | delay(50); |
75 | alarmState = digitalRead(magneticCONTACT); |
76 | } |
77 | |
78 | if(alarmState == HIGH) |
79 | sprintf(readBuffer, "%s - %s", msg, alarm/*"Alarm State"*/); |
80 | else |
81 | sprintf(readBuffer, "%s - %s", msg, nalarm/*"Normal State"*/); |
82 | Serial.println(readBuffer);Serial.flush();delay(150); |
83 | sendSMS(phoneNumber, readBuffer); //confirm command executed |
84 | delay(100); |
85 | } |
86 | |
87 | void setup(){ |
88 | Serial.begin(19200); //start serial connection |
89 | |
90 | pinMode(magneticCONTACT, INPUT_PULLUP); //configure magneticCONTACT as an input PULL UP |
91 | pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //configure the UNO D13 as output - UNO embedded LED used as contact status indicator |
92 | |
93 | agsmSerial.begin(9600); //next, modem setup |
94 | clearagsmSerial(); |
95 | clearSerial(); |
96 | delay(10); |
97 | |
98 | modemHWSetup(); //configure UNO IN and OUT to be used with modem |
99 | |
100 | Serial.flush(); |
101 | agsmSerial.flush(); |
102 | delay(500); |
103 | |
104 | Serial.println(F("wait until c-uGSM/d-u3G is ready")); |
105 | Serial.flush(); |
106 | |
107 | powerOnModem(); |
108 | |
109 | clearBUFFD(); |
110 | while(strlen(buffd)<1){ |
111 | getIMEI(); |
112 | delay(500); |
113 | } |
114 | |
115 | //Serial.println(F("modem is up. prepare it for SMS processing")); |
116 | //Serial.flush(); |
117 | |
118 | ready4SMS = 0; |
119 | ready4Voice = 0; |
120 | |
121 | //Serial.print(F("modem IMEI: ")); Serial.flush(); |
122 | |
123 | setupMODEMforSMSusage(); |
124 | |
125 | Serial.println(F("modem ready.. let's proceed")); |
126 | Serial.flush(); |
127 | delay(100); |
128 | |
129 | procRespose((char*)boot); |
130 | |
131 | alarmState = digitalRead(magneticCONTACT); |
132 | prevalarmState = alarmState; |
133 | |
134 | supervisorMask = 1; |
135 | } |
136 | |
137 | void loop(){ |
138 | alarmState = digitalRead(magneticCONTACT); |
139 | if(prevalarmState!= alarmState){ //debouce here |
140 | delay(50); |
141 | alarmState = digitalRead(magneticCONTACT); |
142 | } |
143 | |
144 | if(getAlarmStatus != 0 || prevalarmState!= alarmState){ |
145 | prevalarmState = alarmState; //copy alarmState for next cycle |
146 | getAlarmStatus = 0; |
147 | memset(readBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(readBuffer)); |
148 | if (alarmState == HIGH) { |
149 | if(supervisorMask != 0) digitalWrite(13, LOW); //show to LED |
150 | sprintf(readBuffer, "%s", alarm/*"Alarm State"*/); |
151 | } |
152 | else { |
153 | if(supervisorMask != 0) digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //show to LED |
154 | sprintf(readBuffer, "%s", nalarm/*"Normal State"*/); |
155 | } |
156 | |
157 | if(supervisorMask != 0){ |
158 | sendSMS(phoneNumber,readBuffer); |
159 | } |
160 | |
161 | Serial.println(readBuffer); |
162 | Serial.flush(); |
163 | delay(100); |
164 | } |
165 | |
166 | /*process SMS commands - start*/ |
167 | listSMS(); //find the last used SMS location |
168 | clearagsmSerial(); |
169 | int cnt; |
170 | cnt = noSMS; |
171 | while (cnt>0){ |
172 | |
173 | readSMS(cnt); //the SMS content will be returned in buffd |
174 | /*here process SMS the content - start*/ |
175 | |
176 | Serial.print(F("SMS content: "));Serial.flush();delay(50); |
177 | Serial.println(buffd);Serial.flush();delay(50); |
178 | |
179 | delay(50); |
180 | clearagsmSerial(); |
181 | delay(50); |
182 | |
183 | if(strlen(buffd) > 0){ //non empty SMS |
184 | if(buffd[0] == '#' && buffd[1]== '1'){ //disable send SMS on magnetic contact event detection |
185 | procRespose((char*)armed); |
186 | supervisorMask = 1; |
187 | //getAlarmStatus = 1; |
188 | } |
189 | else { |
190 | if(buffd[0]== '#' && buffd[1]== '0'){ //disable send SMS on magnetic contact event detection |
191 | procRespose((char*)unarmed); |
192 | supervisorMask = 0; |
193 | //getAlarmStatus = 1; |
194 | }else{ //unknown command |
195 | procRespose((char*)nunderstand); |
196 | } |
197 | } |
198 | |
199 | deleteSMS(cnt); //free the SMS location |
200 | } |
201 | /*here process SMS the content - end*/ |
202 | clearBUFFD(); |
203 | clearagsmSerial(); |
204 | cnt--; |
205 | } |
206 | /*process SMS commands - stop*/ |
207 | delay(20); |
208 | } |
209 |
e. Edit the "SMS_ALARM_Magnetic_contact_supervisor.ino" (double click on the file; this one will be open by the ARDUINO environment).
Write in your desired destination mobile number on line 19. (Before this you may check the supported SMS number format by your NMO, using our kickstart software.)
You may edit the SMS commands and the SMS messages assigned to the alarm events.
Un-comment line 17 only if you use the d-u3G shield.
#0 DISARM the ALARM, #1 ARM the ALARM. Any other SMS, makes the ALARM to reply with a sort of "help message".
Any replied SMS has apended the SYSTEM STATUS: "ALARM STATE"/"NORMAL STATE".
Possible improvements
- Restrict SMS processing only from "phoneNumber" (master number)... Just look in the function readSMS (SMS library), after seacond readline(), the buffd variable contains the SMS header (sender number, date+time).. Just processe there in order to extract the SMS sender number...
- Add a TIP122 at Arduino D13-output (serialized via 1k resistor to the transistor base), in order to drive a local siren??