g-SPS ** switching power supply for 4G / 3G / GSM shield

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switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERRY PI compatible - direct powering version : g-uSPS 1.02

g-SPS 1.02 - 4V [DDRV]
* used for powering c-uGSM and d-u3G shields without Lithium Polymer (direct drive [DDRV])configurations
* can be used with c-uGSM / d-u3G built in USB interface as primary power source

switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERRY PI compatible - Lithium Polymer version : g-uSPS 1.02

g-SPS 1.02 - 5V [LiPOL]
* used for powering c-uGSM and d-u3G shields in Lithium Polymer configurations, any 5V Arduino boards and even RaspberryPI, RaspberryPI B+, Raspberry PI 2, RaspberryPI ZERO, RaspberryPI 3, BeagleBone, BananaPi or other RaspberryPI like boards

g-SPS v1.02 LiPOL and DDRV - SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY for l-LTE / d-u3G / c-uGSM / h-nanoGSM (our 4G / 3G / GSM modular shields), compact as 20.30x34.29mm and with weight around 4g, are pin to pin compatible with our 4G/LTE shield (l-LTE shield series), our 3G/UMTS shield (d-u3G shield series) and with our GSM shields (c-GSM shield series and h-nanoGSM shield series) - together beeing parts of a bigger family based on "pluggable boards concept".

Both boards was designed and are manufactured in EUROPE by R&D Software Solutions team -awarded in 2006 with the GST SSC Bronze Award.

g-SPS 1.02 - 4V [DDRV] main features:
  • main usage as "plug and run" in power adapter for c-uGSM / d-u3G shields in NO Lithium Polymer power in configuration
  • triple way power in, including c-uGSM / d-u3G shield USB powering source
  • pin 2 pin compatible with c-uGSM / d-u3G shield, including 4 + 5 pass trough connectivity for logical interfacing
  • accept input voltages between 5-16V
  • 4V output with 600mA typical and maximum 2A in burst mode

g-SPS 1.02 - 5V [LiPOL] main features:
  • main usage as "plug and run" in power adapter for c-uGSM / d-u3G shields in WITH Lithium Polymer power in configuration
  • alternate usage as "power adapter for Raspberry PI, Raspberry PI2 and any 5V Arduino shields
  • two way power in
  • pin 2 pin compatible with c-uGSM / d-u3G shield, including 4 + 5 pass trough connectivity for logical interfacing
  • accept input voltages between 6-16V
  • 5V output with 600mA typical and maximum 2A in burst mode

The g-SPS series together with the c-uGSM and the d-u3G series opens to you the access to a fully light weight, integrated, fully functional and affordable cellular GSM modem shield / platform. Smart complete design of this modular familly shield brings you the flexibility and easiness in integration, wherever your platform and application. Beyond ARDUINO / RASPBERRY PI / others hobby / DYI platforms integration, the g-SPS series can be easily and in a time manner incorporated into your equipment regardless your previous experience.

Manufactured in EU.

Part number Description
gSPS102#4V(DDRV) g-SPS 4V adapter board external plugable switching power supply, 5-15V input, 4V output, max 2A. 20.3x34.29mm. Use in "without LiPol/stand-alone" d-u3G boards configuration.
gSPS102#5V(LiPOL) g-SPS 5V adapter board external plugable switching power supply, 6-15V input, 5V output, max 2A. 20.3x34.29mm. Use in "with LiPol battery" d-u3G boards configuration, when main power supply voltage is bigger than 5V.
Take a look @ g-SPS v1.02 switching power supply v1.02 features, hardware interfacing and docs
g-SPS adapter
document version 1.021 / 2020-04-02 © R&D Software Solutions srl