d-u3G ** ARDUINO, BEAGLEBONE & RASPBERRY PI 3G shield (micro)

Read our last post: Modems and RaspberryPI 5. RaspberryPI OS [Debian 12 bookworm] notes..


3G SHIELD MODULE BOARD (micro) - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible, top & bottom view * d-u3G 1.13

900/2100MHz@UMTS & 900/1800MHz@GSM - EUROPE version
850/1900MHz@UMTS 3G only - NORTH AMERICA version
* HSDPA Max.7.2Mbps
* HSUPA Max.5.76Mbps
RPI compatible built in USB interface
built in LiPol battery charger
1.35"x1.57" (34.29 x 39.88mm), around 10g implementation
ARDUINO & RASPBERRY PI I&II direct interfacing compatibility with auto 2.8-5V interfaces
Windows and Linux PC connectivity via USB
uFL or SMA F connector
Standard size SIM
Digital audio inteface
C and Python complex code examples
Ideal for small & medium series gadget / drones / wearables / IoT project integration where sizes and weights matters.

d-u3G v1.13 series revision 2 - ARDUINO & RASBERRY PI micro 3G shield / board, our latest released product, compact as 1.35"x1.57"(34.29x39.88mm) and with weight around 10g, it is probably the most compact 3G module board on market.
d-u3G series it is pin to pin compatible with our 4G/LTE shield (l-LTE shield series), with our modular GSM shields (c-GSM shield series and h-nanoGSM shield series) and together, are parts of a bigger family build on top so call "plug-able boards concept".

d-u3G series has been released without performance compromises and brings to you the best market solution at reasonable cost and becomes the reference for this new product class. It is designed and manufactured in EUROPE by R&D Software Solutions team -awarded in 2006 with the GST SSC Bronze Award.

d-u3G v1.13 series integrates in this format the following main features:
  • USB serial connectivity adapter with RaspberryPI, Windows and Linux. USB connection, offers multiple serial ports support for concurrent application/threads communication.
  • 2.8-5V auto-level digital interfaces (UART TX+RX / RESET / POWER ON-OFF / RI / STS / RTS / CTS / SLEEP), for direct connection with Arduino boards, Raspberry PI or any other 2.8V up to 5V micro-controller board
  • build in Lithium Polymer battery charger. Depending on powering schema, all boards version can be used with or without LiPol battery.
  • Plug-able accessories as: switching power supply (stand alone or with LiPol usage), (future) u-controller boards, other.
  • POWER ON and RESET push micro switches
  • Standard size SIM support
  • uFL or SMA F antenna connector
  • POWER ON and RESET push micro switches

The d-u3G series answers at your needs for a fully lightweight, integrated, fully functional and affordable cellular 3G modem shield / platform. Smart complete design of the d-u3G micro shield brings you the flexibility and easiness in integration, wherever your platform and application. Beyond ARDUINO / RASPBERRY PI / others hobby / DYI platforms integration, the d-u3G series can be easily and in a time manner incorporated into your equipment regardless your previous experience in modem technology. The d-u3G series represents your best choice for usage into a wide range of designs requiring robust 3G mobile communications and reliable performance.

Manufactured in EU.

Part number Description Usage
DU3G113#UFL-EUR 3G module 900/2100MHz@UMTS & 900/1800MHz@GSM - equipped with u.FL connector EUROPE *
DU3G113#SMA-EUR 3G module 900/2100MHz@UMTS & 900/1800MHz@GSM - equipped with SMA F connector EUROPE*
DU3G113#UFL-NA 3G module 850/1900MHz@UMTS - equipped with u.FL connector NORTH AMERICA*
DU3G113#SMA-NA 3G module 850/1900MHz@UMTS - equipped with SMA F connector NORTH AMERICA*
Part number Accesories description
gSPS101#4V(DDRV) g-SPS 4V adapter board external plug-able switching power supply, 5-25V input, 4V output, max 2A. 20.3x34.29mm. Use in "without LiPol/stand-alone" d-u3G boards configuration.
gSPS101#5V(LiPOL) g-SPS 5V adapter board external plug-able switching power supply, 6-25V input, 5V output, max 2A. 20.3x34.29mm. Use in "with LiPol battery" d-u3G boards configuration, when main power supply voltage is bigger than 5V.
ITBP-EMB1-UFL#50 sticker embedded flex antenna 850Mhz->2250Mhz with u.FL and 50mm cable
ITBP-UFL-SMAF#100 u.FL to SMA female panel 100mm pigtail
ITBP-UFL-SMAF#085 u.FL to SMA female panel 85mm pigtail
ITBP-GSM-ANT-SMA90D#001 mini GSM/UMTS antenna, 0-1db, rod type, SMA F, 90 degree, no cable
ITBP-UFL-SMAF#085 u.FL to SMA female panel 85mm pigtail
* EUROPE and other countries with 900/2100MHz bands 3G networks
* NORTH AMERICA and other countries with 850/1900MHz bands 3G networks
Take a look @ 3G/UMTS SHIELD (micro) d-u3G v1.13 features, hardware interfacing, docs and Arduino & RPI code examples

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document version 1.03 / 2018-08-27 © R&D Software Solutions srl