g-SPS ** switching power supply for 4G / 3G / GSM shield

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g-SPS - switching power supply for 4G/3G/GSM shield :: FEATURES AT A GLANCE:

Modular design - "plug and run" power switching adapter for c-uGSM / d-u3G shields.
Very compact and light weight: 20.30x34.29mm, around 4g.
Two model family for usage convenience.

g-SPS v1.02 - 4V [DDRV] model:

- triple way power in, including c-uGSM / d-u3G shield USB powering source;
- pin 2 pin compatible with c-uGSM / d-u3G shield, including 4 + 5 pass trough connectivity for logical interfacing;
- accept input voltages between 5-16V;
- 4V output with 600mA typical and maximum 2A in burst mode;
- main usage as power adapter for c-uGSM / d-u3G shields in NO Lithium Polymer power in configuration.

g-SPS v1.02 - 5V [LiPOL] model:

- two way power in;
- pin 2 pin compatible with c-uGSM / d-u3G shield, including 4 + 5 pass trough connectivity for logical interfacing;
- accept input voltages between 6-16V;
- 5V output with 600mA typical and maximum 2A in burst mode;
- main usage power adapter for c-uGSM / d-u3G shields in WITH Lithium Polymer power in configuration;
- alternate usage as "power adapter for Raspberry PI, Raspberry PI2 and any Arduino shields.
Read: Raspberry PI powering how to using g-SPS v1.02 5V[LiPOL]


g-SPS - switching power supply for 4G/3G/GSM shield :: INTERFACES and CONNECTORS

switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible - direct powering version : g-SPS v1.02 4V output [DDRV] - top description
switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible - direct powering version : g-SPS v1.02 4V output [DDRV] - bottom description
switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible - with Lithium Polymer powering version : g-SPS v1.02 5V output [LiPOL] - top description
switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible - with Lithium Polymer powering version : g-SPS v1.02 5V output [LiPOL] - bottom description


On the top PCB side, left to right (bottom PCB side right to left) TOP interface (uController side):
1. RX - uController 4G/3G/GSM RX side pass trough
2. TX - uController side 4G/3G/GSM TX pass trough

3. RST - uController side 4G/3G/GSM RESET pass trough
4. I/O - uController side 4G/3G/GSM POWER CONTROL pass trough

5. DIS - input - DISABLE regulator, active high
6. Vout - additional regulated +4V output
7. Vmain - alternate POWER IN (+5V +16V)- see schema bellow

9. RI - uController side 4G/3G/GSM RING INDICATOR pass trough
10. STATUS - uController side 4G/3G/GSM STATUS pass trough
11. RTS - uController side 4G/3G/GSM READY TO SEND pass trough
12. CTS - uController side 4G/3G/GSM CLEAR TO SEND pass trough
13. SLP - uController side 4G/3G/GSM SLEAP pass trough*
  - UP position - use INPUT power source from barel jack (+Vext)
  - DOWN position - use INPUT power source from 3G/GSM shield USB
  - REMOVED - use INPUT power source from Vmain (alternate IN)
b. Main INPUT POWER (+Vext) via 2 x 0.1" row header or via 2.1 barel jack.

On the top PCB side, left to right (bottom PCB side right to left) BOTTOM interface (4G/3G/GSM shield side):
1. RX - uController 4G/3G/GSM RX side pass trough
2. TX - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM TX pass trough

3. RST - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM RESET pass trough
4. I/O - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM POWER CONTROL pass trough

5. Vusb - +5V POWER IN from c-uGSM/d-u3G USB interface
6. NC(Vin) - not connected
7. Vcc - +4V regulated output - direct powering for c-uGSM/d-u3G shield

9. RI - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM RING INDICATOR pass trough
10. STATUS - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM STATUS pass trough
11. RTS - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM READY TO SEND pass trough
12. CTS - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM CLEAR TO SEND pass trough
13. SLP - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM SLEAP pass trough*
* not used for c-uGSM


On the top PCB side, left to right (bottom PCB side right to left) TOP interface (uController side):
1. RX - uController 4G/3G/GSM RX side pass trough
2. TX - uController side 4G/3G/GSM TX pass trough

3. RST - uController side 4G/3G/GSM RESET pass trough
4. I/O - uController side 4G/3G/GSM POWER CONTROL pass trough

5. DIS - input - DISABLE regulator, active high
6. Vout - additional regulated +5V output
7. Vmain - alternate POWER IN (+6V +16V)- see schema bellow

9. RI - uController side 4G/3G/GSM RING INDICATOR pass trough
10. STATUS - uController side 4G/3G/GSM STATUS pass trough
11. RTS - uController side 4G/3G/GSM READY TO SEND pass trough
12. CTS - uController side 4G/3G/GSM CLEAR TO SEND pass trough
13. SLP - uController side 4G/3G/GSM SLEAP pass trough*
b. Main INPUT POWER (+Vext) via 2 x 0.1" row header or via 2.1 barel jack
b. The Main INPUT POWER (+Vext) (2 x 0.1" row header via 2.1 barel jack) it is linked (same circuit) with +Vmain!

On the top PCB side, left to right (bottom PCB side right to left) BOTTOM interface (4G/3G/GSM shield side):
1. RX - uController 4G/3G/GSM RX side pass trough
2. TX - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM TX pass trough

3. RST - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM RESET pass trough
4. I/O - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM POWER CONTROL pass trough

5. Vusb - +5V POWER IN from c-uGSM/d-u3G USB interface
6. Vin - +5V regulated output - powering for Lithium Polymer c-uGSM/d-u3G shield configuration
7. NC(Vcc) - not connected

9. RI - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM RING INDICATOR pass trough
10. STATUS - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM STATUS pass trough
11. RTS - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM READY TO SEND pass trough
12. CTS - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM CLEAR TO SEND pass trough
13. SLP - d-u3G/c-uGSM side 4G/3G/GSM SLEAP pass trough*
* not used for c-uGSM


g-SPS - switching power supply for 4G/3G/GSM shield :: block schema

switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible - direct powering version : g-SPS v1.02 4V output [DDRV] - block schema

g-SPS v 1.02 - 4V [DDRV] block schema

switching power supply for GSM / 3G SHIELD - Arduino RASPBERY PI compatible - Lithium Polymer powering version : g-SPS v1.02 5V output [LiPOL] - block schema

g-SPS v 1.02 - 5V [LiPOL] block schema


g-SPS 1.02 - 5V [LiPOL] :: Arduino / Raspberry PI (and PI2) powering interfacing

g-SPS 1.02 - 5V [LiPOL] PIN NAME ARDUINO boards Raspberry PI B+ or Raspberry PI II
6. Vout - additional regulated +5V output 5V pin PIN02 or PIN 04

g-SPS - switching power supply for 4G/3G/GSM shield :: HOW TO and TUTORIALS

Raspberry PI powering how to using g-SPS v1.02 5V[LiPOL]
Raspberry PI modular connectivity with modules

g-SPS - switching power supply for 4G/3G/GSM shield :: SPECIAL SAFETY WARNINGS

DO NOT SHORT WITH or DO NOT CONNECT TO: "7. Vmain - alternate POWER IN (+6V +16V)"!!!!!

WIRING the boards must be made UNPOWERED!! BAD or UNPROPER WIRING/HANDLING/USAGE of the hardware can conduct to SERIOUS DAMAGES!
You are the ONLY RESPONSIBLE for hardware handling, usage and wiring!!!


g-SPS - switching power supply for 4G/3G/GSM shield :: ORDER ONLINE

g-SPS adapter
document version 1.0141 / 2017-05-01 © R&D Software Solutions srl