THE ALPHABET PROJECT - professional Arduino, BeagleBone & Raspberry PI shields

Read our last post: Modems and RaspberryPI 5. RaspberryPI OS [Debian 12 bookworm] notes..

NBIoT data transmission how to using BC95G modem based shields - UDP test & network status signaling


test BC95G NB IoT using modems




At September 19'th 2018, Vodafone Romania announced the deployment of their NB IoT network at national level. We welcome the commercial launch of NB IoT technology in Romania and support its use by offering a 35% discount (Romanian customers) on the list price, until 31 December 2018, for our NB IoT products.

ARM0 NB IOT Arduino shield xyz-mIoT equipped with BC95G, top side
At April 08th 2018, R&D Software Solutions srl [] revealed to the public the announcement of the xyz-mIoT by shield - the first, and the most compact, IoT board that combines the versatility of ARM0 micro-controller (Microchip/Atmel ATSAMD21G in Arduino Zero compatible design), the comfortable use of the embedded sensors bundle with conectivity provided by LTE CAT M1 or NB-IoT long-range & low-power modems or legacy 3G / GSM modems.

The xyz-mIoT shield may have up to 5 integrated sensors, as: THS (temperature and humidity sensors) - HDC2010, tVOC & eCO2 (air quality sensor - CO2 total volatile organic compounds- CO2 equivalent) - CCS811 , HALL (magnetic sensor) - DRV5032 sau or IR (infrared sensor) KP-2012P3C , secondary IR (infrared sensor) - KP-2012P3C , TILT (movement vibration sensor) or REED (magnetic sensor) - SW200D.
Embedded sensors that populates the xyz-mIoT shield are dependent on PN ordered (check here for available PN).

This NB IoT test will be exemplified with xyz-mIoT shield equipped with Quectel BC95G, PN: XYZMIOT209#BC95-UFL-xxxxxxx.

As alternative, the very same NB IoT tests may be performed using the u-GSM shield equipped with Quectel BC95G, PN: UGSM219-BC95G#UFL.

NB IoT modular modem shield u-GSM equipped with BC95G, top side u-GSM shield it is the worldwide first [comercially available from 2018-07-18] and most compact modular modem that supports ALL deployed GSM standards [LTE NB IoT / LTE CATM1 / LTE CAT4 / LTE CAT1 / UMTS-3G / GSM-2G] in one unified design!

This amazing u-GSM shield may replace all different modem designs by giving to you the same form factor, same interfaces and same integration approach. Just pick the PN that fits your request and that's all.

This second generation modular modem embeds unique and rare features and was brewed thanks to our team design experience, thanks to the vision of Quectel engineers team and to our customers feedback. Some of those amazing features, that makes u-GSM to be the ultimate, the unique and the unbelievable modem, are listed bellow:
  • Raspberry PI, Beagle Bone Black and ITBPMM embedded interfaces
  • standard, the PCB perfectly fits with Beagle Bone Black but, you can trim the PCB in order to fit the Raspberry PI format, or the ITBPMM format
  • the USB port is available via USB soldering PADS and via USB mini B
  • external SIM support via sordering PADS
  • VIA pads for super-capacitor [or additional capacitor] soldering
  • modem power separation [enables modem advanced sleep mode]
  • solder jumpers for alternate configuration

About episode 1 of this project

In this post you will find how to use of-the-self xyz-mIOT shield [w. BC95G] or u-GSM shield [w. BC95G] + Arduino mini for data transmision over new NB IoT networks. T minus 15 minutes.

Required time: 10-15 minutes. The implementation time may vary depending on previous user experience. Arduino environment installing and manual Arduino class installing are not covered by this how to; try google it. Support libraries and the source code used in this how to are available for download, for registered users, here: xyz-mIoT or u-GSM.

Difficulty: beginner - intermediate.


Bill of materials

  • XYZMIOT209#BC95G-UFL-0000000 [ARM0 + NB IoT modem],
    UGSM219-BC95G#UFL [NB IoT second generation modular modem] + Arduino Nano shield + some 2.54mm pin-headers and connecting wires.
  • nano-size [4FF] NB IoT SIM card [we used one SIM from Vodafone Romania]
  • 1 x 1000-2200uF /6.3V Low ESR capacitor
  • GSM embedded antenna with uFL [check xyz-mIoT / u-GSM accesories] or,
  • GSM antenna with SMA plus u.FL to SMA pigtail [check xyz-mIoT / u-GSM accesories]



Step1 [hardware preparation - soldering]:

xyz-mIoT shield [BC95G - NB IoT] - soldering

test BC95G NB IoT - xyz-mIOT preparation

a. Enable 5V from USB to be primary power supply for the xyz-mIoT shield as described up here [solder over SJP6 pads - connect both pads]. Alternative: solder both connectors rows, place the board into one breadboard and connect between Vusb and Vraw using one male-male breadboard wire.
b. solder the 1000-2200 uF /6.3V Low ESR capacitor to the "super-capacitor PADS". Keep in mind the capacitor polarity [connect + pole to the Vpad+ pad and - pole to GND pad]!


u-GSM shield [BC95G - NB IoT] - soldering

test BC95G NB IoT - u-GSM preparation

a. solder the pin header [7 x 2.54mm] to ITBPMM interface pads as in picture up-here.
b. solder the 1000-2200 uF /6.3V Low ESR capacitor to the "super-capacitor VIAS". Keep in mind the capacitor polarity [connect + pole to the Vpad+ VIA and - pole to GND VIA]!



Step2 [hardware, bring all together]:

xyz-mIoT shield [BC95G - NB IoT] - wiring

test BC95G NB IoT - xyz-mIOT wiring
Insert the micro-SIM in his slot [the SIM must have the PIN check procedure removed]. Connect the antenna, then connect the USB cable to xyz-mIoT USB port and to your computer.
The xyz-mIoT shield will be powered from the USB.

u-GSM shield [BC95G - NB IoT] - wiring

test BC95G NB IoT - u-GSM wiring
Insert the micro-SIM in his slot [the SIM must have the PIN check procedure removed]. Connect the antenna.
Wire u-GSM and Arduino Nano as detailed in picture up-here. Wiring details, bellow:
u-GSM PAD                           Arduino NANO/UNO
ITBPMM PAD1 - RX(TXD)         D2 (Software Serial RX)
ITBPMM PAD2 - TX(RXD)         D3 (Software Serial TX)
ITBPMM PAD3 - RST                D6
ITBPMM PAD4 - ENA                D7
ITBPMM PAD6 - Vin                 +5V
ITBPMM PAD8 - GND               GND

The bundle can be powered [+5V] via Arduino Nano Vcc and GND pins. Anyway, in order to program the Arduino Nano board, this one must be connected to "USB-UART adapter" board. Observe how to connect to CP2102 board adapter, bellow [only Arduino Nano - CP2102 connection are represented]:
test BC95G NB IoT - Arduino Nano to CP2102 board wiring
This wiring solve Arduino Nano + u-GSM shield powering directly from the USB.



Step 3 [software download and install. software settings]

If you use u-GSM shield, ignore step a.

a. Download and install "xyz-mIoT shields Arduino class" from xyz-mIoT downlods. Install directives can be found on dowload pages.

b. Download and install "NB IOT [UDP mode] support for xyz-mIoT/u-GSM shields" from xyz-mIoT downloads or u-GSM downloads. Install directives can be found on dowload pages.

c. Make a folder named "xyz_mIoT_NBIoT_Class_example_UDP_echo".

d. Copy the code bellow, paste it one new file and save the file as "xyz_mIoT_NBIoT_Class_example_UDP_echo.ino" in the folder created in previous step.


2xyz_mIoT_NBIoT_Class_example_UDP_echo.ino v 0.1/20180915 - UDP SEND RECEIVE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE
3COPYRIGHT (c) 2015-2018 Dragos Iosub / R&D Software Solutions srl
5You are legaly entitled to use this SOFTWARE ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH xyz-mIOT by or u-GSM by DEVICES USAGE. Modifications, 
6derivates and redistribution of this software must include unmodified this COPYRIGHT NOTICE. You can redistribute this SOFTWARE and/or modify it under the 
7terms of this COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Any other usage may be permited only after written notice of Dragos Iosub / R&D Software Solutions srl.
9This SOFTWARE is distributed is provide "AS IS" in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
12Dragos Iosub, Bucharest 2018.
15/*IMPORTANT NOTICE 0: install and run "" listner on your server; write down, for use in step 4, the IP address and UDP listener PORT */
16/*IMPORTANT NOTICE 1: check itbpGSMdefinition.h for line 60&61 and set "__itbpModem__    xyzmIoT" or "__itbpModem__    uGSM"*/
17/*IMPORTANT NOTICE 2: check itbpGSMdefinition.h for line 64&65 and set "__Qmodule__    BC95G" or "__Qmodule__    BG96"*/
18/*IMPORTANT NOTICE 3: in itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h update your NB IoT "APN" and "numeric network id code" [Eg. Vodafone RO  ==> 22601]*/
19/*IMPORTANT NOTICE 4: in itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h  update your "SERVER_ADDRESS" and "SERVER_PORT", from step 0*/
20/*IMPORTANT NOTICE 5: in itbpGSMdefinition.h "itbpGSMClassDebug" and "atDebug" may help you....*/
22#define DATAGRAMTOSEND "Mary have a little lamb...."      //what you will send to the ECHO server
24/*REST cloud specific, more parameters in itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h*/
25int samplingPeriod = 600;                           //interval in seconds between transmissions... keep it > 60 sec [600 second to test some NB IoT signaling]
27char IMEI [16];  
29#include <itbpNBIoTClass_v0_1.h>
31#define DEBUG(x)    {__itbpDebugPort__.print(millis());__itbpDebugPort__.print(" - ");__itbpDebugPort__.println(x);}
32#define DEBUGP(x,y) {__itbpDebugPort__.print(millis());__itbpDebugPort__.print(" - ");__itbpDebugPort__.print(x);__itbpDebugPort__.println(y);}
34#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
35  int freeRam () {
36    extern int __heap_start, *__brkval; 
37    int v; 
38    return (int) &v - (__brkval == 0 ? (int) &__heap_start : (int) __brkval); 
39  }
42// initialize the library instance
43aGsmClient client;
47unsigned long startTime = 0;
49bool ledState = 0;
52void setup(){
53#if (__itbpModem__ == xyzmIoT)
54 delay(10000);
57  __itbpDebugPort__.begin(115200);   //start debug port connection
58  //configure led
59 pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);               //embedded LED status indicator  
60 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);   
61  ledState = 0;
63#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
64  DEBUGP(F("Free RAM: "), freeRam());
67__itbpDebugPort__.println(F("Simple NBIoT UDP echo example...let's rock"));
70 client.begin();
72 client.enableClockUpdate(1); //update available at next modem boot
74 client.getIMEI(); //IMEI value in client.resp
75 memset(IMEI,0x00, sizeof(IMEI));
76 strcpy(IMEI,client.resp);
79 client.attachGPRS();
81  //let's verify the module date&time function
82  delay(1000);
83  client.getRTC();
84  DEBUGP(F("time and date: "), client.resp);
86 __itbpDebugPort__.println("connecting...");
88 //client.readServerDatagramReply();
90  startTime = millis() + (unsigned long)samplingPeriod*1000;//force send on the spot
96void loop(){
97  int res=0;
98  if (millis() - startTime < (unsigned long)samplingPeriod*1000){//waiting period  
99    ledState = ! ledState;
100    if(ledState != 0)
101      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);  
102    else
103      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); 
104    delay(500);
106  }else{//start transmission
107    startTime = millis();
108    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);      //show sampling + uploadto cloud
110    if (client.connected() || client.connect()){
111      __itbpDebugPort__.println(F("send datagram"));
112      res = client.sendDatagram(DATAGRAMTOSEND); 
113      if(res == 1){
114        __itbpDebugPort__.println(F("wait 4 server reply..."));
115        unsigned long startlisten = millis();
116        res = client.listenForNetworkSignaling(samplingPeriod, 1);//wait until receive server reply (samplingPeriod); //wait for server reply; res
117        if(res>0){ 
118            __itbpDebugPort__.println("");
119            __itbpDebugPort__.print(F("reply received>>"));
120            __itbpDebugPort__.print(client.resp);    //server replied data in resp
121            __itbpDebugPort__.println(F("<<"));
122            //here wait for network signaling
123            res = client.listenForNetworkSignaling(samplingPeriod -(int)((millis()-startlisten)/1000), 4);//wait until enter PSM mode        
124        }
125        /*
126        //other variant to send
127        res = client.listenForDatagramServerReply(samplingPeriod); //wait for server reply; res
128        if(res>0){ 
129            __itbpDebugPort__.println("");
130            __itbpDebugPort__.print(F("reply received>>"));
131            __itbpDebugPort__.print(client.resp);    //server replied data in resp
132            __itbpDebugPort__.println(F("<<"));
133            //here wait for network signaling
134            //res = client.listenForNetworkSignaling(samplingPeriod - res, 4);//wait until ender PSM mode
135        }
136        */
137      }else{//send datagram command report ERROR
138        __itbpDebugPort__.println(F("connectivity error...")); 
139      }
140    }//end connect()
141  }//end tranmission 

Alternate, you may start the "xyz_mIoT_NBIoT_Class_example_UDP_echo" example found in Arduino under "File/Examples/itbpNBIoTClass".

e. Install and run "" listner on your server; write down, for use in next steps, the IP address and UDP listener PORT.

f. Update some settings in h files inside "itbpNBIoTClass":
- in "itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h" update the APN value, using the APN value of your NB IoT provider (In test was: "" for Vodafone Romania)
- in "itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h" update the NETWORKID with numeric network id code for your NB IoT provider ("22601" for Vodafone Romania)
- in "itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h" update the LTE_BAND with numeric band code used for NB IoT service (20 - LTE band B20 for Vodafone Romania)
- in "itbpGPRSIPdefinition.h" update the SERVER_ADDRESS and SERVER_PORT with values UDP echo listener service (from step e.)
- in "itbpGSMdefinition.h" goto lines 60&61 and choose from declaration __itbpModem__       xyzmIoT or __itbpModem__       uGSM
- in "itbpGSMdefinition.h" goto lines 64&65 and select __Qmodule__       BC95G"


Step4 [Arduino compile, upload and run the NB IoT echo test]

Open in Arduino[( v >= 1.8.5] the xyz_mIoT_NBIoT_Class_example_UDP_echo.ino project.
a. In Arduino, select board [xyz-mIoT shield, or Arduino Nano when run the test with u-GSM shield] and the programming port [bellow, picture example for xyz-mIoT boards].
test BC95G NB IoT - ARDUINO set board and port
HINT [xyz-mIoT boards only]: In order to upload the code, you must press twice (fast) the xyz-mIoT shield RESET button [the board will switch into programming mode].

b. Compile and upload the code.

In order to visualize the debug output, use the Arduino Serial Monitor or other terminal by selecting the debug port with following settings: 57600bps, 8N, 1.

The xyz-mIoT shield, or Arduino Nano + u-GSM shield bundle, will start to run the code, beeing set at 10minutes NB IoT data exchange rate. Data data send received and status signaling from the NB IoT network [ENTER/LEAVE ACTIVE, IDLE and PSM modes; also DATAGRAM received] will be visualised in the debuging interface.









Dragos Iosub & team original how to.





document version 1.0111 / 2023-02-01 © R&D Software Solutions srl