a-gsmII section b-gsmgnss section a-gsm section c-uGSM section d-u3G section h-nanoGSM section l-LTE section
s-Sense sensor breakout boards with I2C interface u-GSM section xyz-mIoT section
CAT M1 / NB-IOT / LTE / 3G / GSM downloads how to - important notice
Resources marked with "#", requires for download the following information: your name, email address and the modem IMEI. The modem IMEI can be found printed on the Quectel GSM module, or via AT+GMGS command.
a-gsmII shield [2G, integrated antenna, dual SIM, uFL external antenna connector, USB, SD, Arduino full size shield, Raspberry PI, BeagleBone, Arduino and Teensy compatible]
a-gsmII software support files download
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
Download the a-gsmII kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.9711/2017.09.01>>
a-gsmII series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip)
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
DOWNLOAD ARDUINO RUNNING(COMPILABLE)CODE here - version 0.921/15.07.2016>>
a-gsmII series GSM / GPRS / DTMF / SMS ARDUINO shield examples # (zip)
Click here to preview the Arduino GSM GPRS shield examples and how to run directives
Debian12 [bookworm] python and shell script support packages for a-gsmII - v 1.00/2024.03.20>> a-gsmII python and shell script # (tar.gz).
- compatible with a-gsmII modem..
- python example - control and test modem.
- PPP scripts and routing utility [tethering].
- l-LTE shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] - shell / python based scripts.
- setSerial.py. Change and save u-GSM serial communication speed python utility.
- supports Raspberry PI 5/4/3/2/ZERO w. communication over SERIAL or USB. Compatible w. Debian 12 bookworm [Raspberry PI OS Lite].
a-gsmII series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 1.02/2017.09.01>>
a-gsmII series GSM/GPRS shield software for Raspberry PI/BeagleBone # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
a-gsmII series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2017.09.01>>
a-gsmII series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI/BeagleBone UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
a-gsmII shield Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
a-gsmII shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
a-gsmII shield RPI4 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
a-gsmII shield Raspberry PI 4 Buster Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
a-gsmII RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
a-gsmII Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with a-gsmII modem.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for a-gsmII shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for a-gsmII # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "agsmII" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
Arduino GSM class hack. Run (almost) any project written for Arduino GSM using the a-gsmII shield - version 0.12/2017.09.29>>>
Arduino GSM class hack for itbrainpower.net GSM shields (a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss, a-gsm, c-uGSM and h-nanoGSM) (zip).
a-gsmII documentation and related resources
a-gsmII shield USB drivers [CP2102] [external link]
itbrainpower.net modems [including a-gsmII shield] Raspberry PI software howto *NEW* html, online
a-gsmII series GSM / GPRS / DTMF / SMS ARDUINO, Teensy, Raspberry PI and BeagleBone compatible shield presentation (PDF)
kick-start for a-gsmII v 2.105 by itbrainpower.net [ARDUINO GSM shield how to v0.90] (pdf)
a-gsmII shield series - TOP description (jpg)
a-gsmII v 2.105 and b-gsmgnss v 2.105 - Raspberry PI 3/2/B+/Zero wiring schema (png)
a-gsmII v 2.105, b-gsmgnss v 2.105 and a-gsm v 2.064 shields audio wiring (jpg)
a-gsmII v 2.105, b-gsmgnss v 2.105 and a-gsm v 2.064 shields RaspberryPI USB communication how to (txt)
a-gsmII v 2.105, b-gsmgnss v 2.105 and a-gsm v 2.064 shields with Arduino/RaspberryPI - communication debug how to (txt)
a-gsmII v 2.105 - block schematics (png)
a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss and a-gsm shields - software serial ARDUINO wiring (default in Arduino code examples) (txt)
a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss and a-gsm shields - Arduino wiring for hardware serial (txt)
Quectel M95F AT Commands Manual v3.2 (pdf)
b-gsmgnss shield [2G modem + GNSS(GPS+GLONASS) + BTH 3.0, integrated GSM antenna, dual SIM, uFL external antenna connectors, USB, SD, Arduino full size shield, Raspberry PI, BeagleBone, Arduino and Teensy compatible]
b-gsmgnss software support files download
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
Download the b-gsmgnss kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.9711/2017.09.01>>
b-gsmgnss series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip)
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
DOWNLOAD ARDUINO RUNNING(COMPILABLE)CODE here - version 0.921/15.07.2016>>
b-gsmgnss series GSM / GPRS / DTMF / SMS ARDUINO shield examples # (zip)
Click here to preview the b-gsmgnss shield examples and how to run directives
Debian12 [bookworm] python and shell script support packages for b-gsmgnss - v 1.00/2024.03.20>> b-gsmgnss python and shell script # (tar.gz).
- compatible with b-gsmgnss modem..
- python example - control and test modem.
- PPP scripts and routing utility [tethering].
- l-LTE shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] - shell / python based scripts.
- setSerial.py. Change and save u-GSM serial communication speed python utility.
- supports Raspberry PI 5/4/3/2/ZERO w. communication over SERIAL or USB. Compatible w. Debian 12 bookworm [Raspberry PI OS Lite].
b-gsmgnss series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 1.02/2017.09.01>>
b-gsmgnss series GSM/GPRS shield software for Raspberry PI/BeagleBone # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
b-gsmgnss series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2017.09.01>>
b-gsmgnss series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI/BeagleBone UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
b-gsmgnss Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
b-gsmgnss shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
b-gsmgnss shield RPI4 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
b-gsmgnss shield Raspberry PI 4 Buster Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
b-gsmgnss RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
b-gsmgnss Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with b-gsmgnss modem.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for b-gsmgnss shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for b-gsmgnss # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "bgsmgnss" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
Arduino GSM class hack. Run (almost) any project written for Arduino GSM using the b-gsmgnss shield - version 0.12/2017.09.29>>>
Arduino GSM class hack for itbrainpower.net GSM shields (a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss, a-gsm, c-uGSM and h-nanoGSM) (zip).
b-gsmgnss documentation and related resources
b-gsmgnss shield USB drivers [CP2102] [external link]
itbrainpower.net modems [including b-gsmgnss shield] Raspberry PI software howto *NEW* html, online
b-gsmgnss series GSM / GPRS / DTMF / SMS ARDUINO, Teensy, Raspberry PI and BeagleBone compatible shield presentation (PDF)
kick-start for b-gsmgnss v 2.105 by itbrainpower.net [ARDUINO GSM shield how to v0.90] (pdf)
b-gsmgnss shield series - TOP description (jpg)
a-gsmII v 2.105 and b-gsmgnss v 2.105 shields - Raspberry PI 3/2/B+/Zero wiring schema (png)
a-gsmII v 2.105, b-gsmgnss v 2.105 and a-gsm v 2.064 shields audio wiring (jpg)
a-gsmII v 2.105, b-gsmgnss v 2.105 and a-gsm v 2.064 shields RaspberryPI USB communication how to (txt)
a-gsmII v 2.105, b-gsmgnss v 2.105 and a-gsm v 2.064 shields with Arduino/RaspberryPI - communication debug how to (txt)
b-gsmgnss v 2.105 rev - block schematics (png)
a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss and a-gsm shields - software serial ARDUINO wiring (default in Arduino code examples) (txt)
a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss and a-gsm shields - Arduino wiring for hardware serial (txt)
Quectel MC60 AT Commands Manual v1.1 (pdf)
a-gsm shield [2G, dual SIM, Arduino full size shield, Raspberry PI compatible, integrated ANTENNA, uFL external antenna connector, USB integrated]
a-gsm software support files download
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
Download the a-gsm kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.92/0.96/0.971 0.9711/2016.05.15>>
a-gsm series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip)
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
DOWNLOAD ARDUINO RUNNING(COMPILABLE)CODE here - version 0.91 0.921/15.07.2016>>
a-gsm series GSM / GPRS / DTMF / SMS ARDUINO shield examples # (zip)
Click here to preview the Arduino GSM GPRS shield examples and how to run directives
a-gsm series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 0.9 1.02/2016.06.15>>
a-gsm series GSM/GPRS shield software for Raspberry PI # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
a-gsm series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2015.04.21>>
a-gsm series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for a-gsm shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for a-gsm # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "agsm" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
Arduino GSM class hack. Run (almost) any project written for Arduino GSM using the a-gsm shield - version 0.12/2017.09.29>>>
Arduino GSM class hack for itbrainpower.net GSM shields (a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss, a-gsm, c-uGSM and h-nanoGSM) (zip).
a-gsm documentation and related resources
a-gsm shield USB drivers [CP2102] [external link]
a-gsm series GSM / GPRS / DTMF / SMS ARDUINO and Raspberry PI compatible shield presentation (PDF)
kick-start for a-gsm 2.064 by itbrainpower.net [ARDUINO GSM shield how to v0.90] (pdf)
a-gsm shield series - TOP description (jpg)
a-gsm shield series - Raspberry PI B+ wiring schema (png)
a-gsm v 2.064 audio wiring (jpg)
a-gsm shield RaspberryPI USB communication how to (txt)
Arduino/RaspberryPI gsm shield communication debug how to (txt)
a-gsm v 2.064 rev 1.3 ARDUINO and Raspberry PI compatible shield block schematics (png)
a-gsm shield series - ARDUINO wiring using software serial (used in CURRENT Arduino code examples) (txt)
a-gsm shield series - Arduino wiring for hardware serial (txt)
QUECTEL M85 AT command manual (PDF)
c-uGSM shield [2G, dual SIM, Arduino mini shield, Raspberry PI compatible, USB integrated]
c-uGSM software support files download
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
Download c-uGSM kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.97/0.971 0.9711/2016.05.15>>
c-uGSM series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip)
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
Debian12 [bookworm] python and shell script support packages for c-uGSM - v 1.00/2024.03.20>> c-uGSM python and shell script # (tar.gz).
- compatible all c-uGSM modem variants..
- python example - control and test modem.
- PPP scripts and routing utility [tethering].
- l-LTE shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] - shell / python based scripts.
- setSerial.py. Change and save u-GSM serial communication speed python utility.
- supports Raspberry PI 5/4/3/2/ZERO w. communication over SERIAL or USB. Compatible w. Debian 12 bookworm [Raspberry PI OS Lite].
c-uGSM series GSM/GPRS shield (micro) Raspberry PI examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 1.0 1.02/2016.04.18>>
c-uGSM series GSM/GPRS shield software for Raspberry PI # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
c-uGSM series GSM/GPRS shield (micro) Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2015.08.21>>
c-uGSM series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
c-uGSM shield Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
c-uGSM shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
c-uGSM shield RPI4 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
c-ugsm shield Raspberry PI 4 Buster Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
c-uGSM shield RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
c-uGSM shield Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with all c-uGSM modem variants.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for c-uGSM shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for c-uGSM # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "cuGSM" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
Arduino GSM class hack. Run (almost) any project written for Arduino GSM using the c-uGSM shield - version 0.12/2017.09.29>>>
Arduino GSM class hack for itbrainpower.net GSM shields (a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss, a-gsm, c-uGSM and h-nanoGSM) (zip).
c-uGSM documentation and related resources
c-uGSM shield USB drivers [CP2102] [external link]
itbrainpower.net modems [including c-uGSM shield] Raspberry PI software howto *NEW* html, online
itbp modular modems [c-uGSM, h-nanoGSM, d-u3G and l-LTE] - block schematics rev 1.2 (png) *NEW*
c-uGSM & d-u3G shields (micro) how to start - tutorial RECOMMENDED READING
kick-start for c-uGSM 1.13 by itbrainpower.net [ARDUINO GSM shield how to v0.93] (pdf)
Easy interfacing bw. Raspberry PI and c-uGSM & d-u3G shields (micro) using i-hatGSM3G adapter *NEW*
Basic hardware directives on how to build your mobile IoT hardware using our modular GSM/3G shields*NEW*
Arduino Micro / Arduino Mini / Arduino Nano adapter board for c-uGSM & d-u3G shields *NEW*
BeagleBone Black [Debian] and ITBP modular modem interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI3 [with Raspbian Jessy] and c-uGSM shield SERIAL and USB interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI c-uGSM hardware interfacing schema (w. USB and SERIAL communication) (png)
c-uGSM series - ARDUINO & RASPBERRY PI GSM / GPRS shield (micro) presentation (pdf)
Quectel M95F AT Commands Manual v3.2 (pdf)
d-u3G shield [3G, Arduino mini shield, Raspberry PI compatible, USA/NorthAmerican and European/ROW versions, USB integrated]
d-u3G software support files
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
Download d-u3G kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.97/0.971 0.9711/2016.07.15>>
d-3G series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip).
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for d-u3G shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for d-u3G # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "du3G" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
d-u3G series 3G / UMTS shield (micro) Raspberry PI examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 1.0 1.02/2016.04.18>>
d-3G series 3G /UMTS shield software for Raspberry PI # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
d-u3G series 3G / UMTS shield (micro) Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2015.08.21>>
d-3G series 3G /UMTS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
d-u3G 3G UMTS shield Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems >>
d-u3G 3G UMTS shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
d-u3G shield RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
d-u3G shield Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with all d-u3G modem variants.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
d-u3G series 3G / Windows USB drivers Click here to download the driver (zip).
d-u3G documentation and related resources
d-u3G shield USB drivers
itbrainpower.net modems [including d-u3G shield] Raspberry PI software howto *NEW* html, online
itbp modular modems [c-uGSM, h-nanoGSM, d-u3G and l-LTE] - block schematics rev 1.2 (png) *NEW*
c-uGSM & d-u3G shields (micro) how to start - tutorial RECOMMENDED READING
kick-start for d-u3G 1.13 by itbrainpower.net [ARDUINO 3G/GSM shield how to v0.93] (pdf)
Easy interfacing bw. Raspberry PI and c-uGSM & d-u3G shields (micro) using i-hatGSM3G adapter *NEW*
Basic hardware directives on how to build your mobile IoT hardware using our modular GSM/3G shields*NEW*
Arduino Micro / Arduino Mini / Arduino Nano adapter board for c-uGSM & d-u3G shields *NEW*
BeagleBone Black [Debian] and ITBP modular modem interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI3 [with Raspbian Jessy] and c-uGSM shield SERIAL and USB interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI 3G shield (micro) hardware interfacing schema (w. USB and SERIAL communication) (png)
d-u3G series - ARDUINO & RASPBERRY PI 3G / UMTS shield (micro) presentation (pdf)
Quectel UG95 AT Commands Manual v1.4 (pdf)
h-nanoGSM shield [2G + BTH 3.0, Arduino nano shield, Raspberry PI compatible, USB integrated]
h-nanoGSM software support files download
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
h-nanoGSM kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.9711/2016.07.15>>
h-GSM series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip)
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
h-nanoGSM series GSM/GPRS shield (nano) Raspberry PI examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 1.02/2016.04.18>>
h-GSM series GSM/GPRS shield software for Raspberry PI # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
h-nanoGSM series GSM/GPRS shield (micro) Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2015.08.21>>
h-GSM series GSM/GPRS shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
h-nanoGSM shield Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems >>
h-nanoGSM shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
h-nanoGSM shield RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW compatible] >>
h-nanoGSM shield Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with all h-nanoGSM modem variants.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for h-nanoGSM shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for h-nanoGSM # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "hnanoGSM" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
Arduino GSM class hack. Run (almost) any project written 4 Arduino GSM using the h-nanoGSM shield - version 0.12/2017.09.29>>>
Arduino GSM class hack for itbrainpower.net GSM shields (a-gsmII, b-gsmgnss, a-gsm, c-uGSM and h-nanoGSM) (zip).
h-nanoGSM documentation and related resources
h-nanoGSM shield USB drivers [CP2102] [external link]
itbrainpower.net modems [including n-nanoGSM shield] Raspberry PI software howto *NEW* html, online
itbp modular modems [c-uGSM, h-nanoGSM, d-u3G and l-LTE] - block schematics rev 1.2 (png) *NEW*
h-nanoGSM series - ARDUINO & RASPBERRY PI GSM / GPRS shield (nano) presentation (pdf)
kick-start for h-nanoGSM 1.08 by itbrainpower.net (pdf)
c-uGSM, d-u3G shields (micro) and h-nanoGSM (nano) how to start - tutorial RECOMMENDED READING
Easy interfacing bw. Raspberry PI and h-nanoGSM shield (nano), c-uGSM & d-u3G shields (micro) using i-hatGSM3G adapter *NEW*
Basic hardware directives on how to build your mobile IoT hardware using our modular GSM/3G shields*NEW*
Arduino Micro / Arduino Mini / Arduino Nano adapter board for h-nanoGSM, c-uGSM & d-u3G shields *NEW*
BeagleBone Black [Debian] and ITBP modular modem interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI3 [with Raspbian Jessy] and h-nanoGSM shield SERIAL and USB interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI h-nanoGSM hardware interfacing schema (w. USB and SERIAL communication) (png)
Quectel M66 AT Commands Manual v1.1 (pdf)
l-LTE shield [4G, 3G and GSM modem + GNSS(GPS + GLONASS) modular shield, Arduino, BeagleBone and Raspberry PI compatible, USA/NorthAmerican and European/ROW versions, USB integrated]
l-LTE software support files
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
Download l-LTE kickstart for Arduino (COMPILABLE) CODE here - version 0.9711/2017.04.22 0.9711a/2017.10.05>>
l-LTE series software kickstart for Arduino # (zip).
This utility allows you, in an interactive format, to: click here to see details
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for l-LTE shields - version 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for l-LTE # (zip).
Install guidelines:
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "lLTE" in "itbpGSMdefinition.h".
See class examples. HTTP REST examples can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
Debian12 [bookworm] python and shell script support packages for l-LTE - v 1.00/2024.03.20>> l-LTE python and shell script # (tar.gz).
- compatible all l-LTE modem variants..
- python example - control and test modem.
- PPP scripts and routing utility [tethering].
- l-LTE shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] - shell / python based scripts.
- setSerial.py. Change and save u-GSM serial communication speed python utility.
- supports Raspberry PI 5/4/3/2/ZERO w. communication over SERIAL or USB. Compatible w. Debian 12 bookworm [Raspberry PI OS Lite].
l-LTE 4G LTE shield Raspberry PI [and BeagleBone] examples (RUNNING) CODE here - version 1.02/2017.04.22>>
l-LTE series 4G LTE shield software for Raspberry PI [and BeagleBone]# (tar.gz).
Click here to see the examples details.
l-LTE 4G LTE shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES - version 1.0/2017.04.22>>
l-LTE 4G LTE shield Raspberry PI [and BeagleBone] UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
Click here to see the package details.
l-LTE shield Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
l-LTE 4G LTE shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
l-LTE 4G LTE shield RPI4 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
l-LTE shield Raspberry PI 4 Buster Lite image # (img zipped).
Click here to see the package details.
l-LTE shield RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
l-LTE shield Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with all l-LTE modem variants.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
l-LTE documentation and related resources
l-LTE shield Windows USB drivers
itbrainpower.net modems [including l-LTE shield] Raspberry PI software howto *NEW* html, online
itbp modular modems [c-uGSM, h-nanoGSM, d-u3G and l-LTE] - block schematics rev 1.2 (png) *NEW*
Easy interfacing bw. Raspberry PI and ITBP modular modems using i-hatGSM3G adapter *NEW*
Arduino Micro / Arduino Mini / Arduino Nano adapter board for ITBP modular modem shields *NEW*
ITBP modular modem how to start - tutorial RECOMMENDED READING
kick-start for l-LTE 1.07 by itbrainpower.net ARDUINO 4G shield how to v0.93 new (pdf)
BeagleBone Black [Debian] and ITBP modular modem interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI3 [with Raspbian Jessy] and l-LTE shield SERIAL and USB interfacing how to *NEW*
Raspberry PI 4G shield hardware interfacing (w. USB and SERIAL communication) (png)
l-LTE series - ARDUINO & RASPBERRY PI 4G / UMTS shield presentation (pdf)
Quectel EC25/EC21 AT Commands Manual v1.0 (pdf)
s-Sense environmental sensor breakout bords family, I2C interface
s-Sense software support files
BME688 gas scanner, bVOC, VSC, temp, hum and press AI sensor breakout w. I2C interface [PN: SS-BME688#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6007]
Arduino BME68x library for s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Examples - "ssense_BME680_example.ino" is available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-BME680" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_BME680_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino BME688 / BME680 how to.
Bosch BSEC2 library - compatible with s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors
Bosch BME68x library (dependency for Bosch BSEC2 library) - compatible with s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors
RaspberryPI BME68x Python library for s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors v1.0/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python bme680_simple.py" is included in "ssense-BME680-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI BME688 / BME680 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
- Utilities - itbrainpower.net s-Sense air quality utililies python library
CCS811 + HDC2010 CO2, tVOC, temperature and humidity I2C sensor [PN: SS-HDC2010+CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6006]
Arduino CCS811 library for s-Sense CCS811 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Example - "ssense_CCS811_example.ino" is available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-CCS811" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_CCS811_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino CCS811 how to.
Arduino HDC2010 library for s-Sense HDC2010 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Example - "ssense_HDC2010_example.ino" and "ssense_HDC2010_confort_zone_IRQ_example" are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-HDC2010" library.
- Board compatibility - ESP32*, Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_HDC2010_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino HDC2010 how to.
RaspberryPI CCS811 Python library for s-Sense CCS811 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.3/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python ccs811_simple.py" is included in "ssense-HDC2010-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI CCS811 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
- Utilities - itbrainpower.net s-Sense air quality utililies python library
RaspberryPI HDC2010 Python library for s-Sense HDC2010 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.3/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python hdc2010_simple.py" is included in "ssense-HDC2010-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI HDC2010 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
BME680 gas, temperature, humidity and pressure I2C sensor breakout [PN: SS-BME680#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6003]
Arduino BME68x library for s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Examples - "ssense_BME680_example.ino" is available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-BME680" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_BME680_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino BME688 / BME680 how to.
Bosch BSEC2 library - compatible with s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors
Bosch BME68x library (dependency for Bosch BSEC2 library) - compatible with s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors
RaspberryPI BME68x Python library for s-Sense BME688 and s-Sense BME680 I2C sensors v1.0/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python bme680_simple.py" is included in "ssense-BME680-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI BME688 / BME680 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
- Utilities - itbrainpower.net s-Sense air quality utililies python library
CCS811 CO2 and tVOC I2C sensor [PN: SS-CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6004]
Arduino CCS811 library for s-Sense CCS811 and CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Example - "ssense_CCS811_example.ino" is available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-CCS811" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_CCS811_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino CCS811 how to.
RaspberryPI CCS811 Python library for s-Sense CCS811 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.3/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python ccs811_simple.py" is included in "ssense-HDC2010-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI CCS811 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
- Utilities - itbrainpower.net s-Sense air quality utililies python library
BME280 temperature, humidity and pressure I2C sensor breakout [PN: SS-BME280#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6002]
Arduino BME280 / BMP280 library for s-Sense BME280 and s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Examples - "ssense_BMx280_example.ino" and "ssense_BMx280_Environment_Calculations.ino" are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-BMx280" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_BMx280_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino BME280 how to.
RaspberryPI BME280 and BMP280 Python library for s-Sense BME280 and s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensors v1.0/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python bmx280_simple.py" is included in "ssense-BMx280-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI BME280 / BMP280 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
- Utilities - itbrainpower.net s-Sense air quality utililies python library
HDC2010 temperature and humidity I2C sensor [PN: SS-HDC2010#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6005]
Arduino HDC2010 library for s-Sense HDC2010 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Example - "ssense_HDC2010_example.ino" is available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-HDC2010" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example file [ssense_HDC2010_example.ino].
- Guidelines - Arduino HDC2010 how to.
RaspberryPI HDC2010 Python library for s-Sense HDC2010 and s-Sense CCS811+HDC2010 I2C sensors v0.3/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python hdc2010_simple.py" is included in "ssense-HDC2010-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI HDC2010 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
BMP280 temperature and pressure I2C sensor breakout [PN: SS-BMP280#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6001]
Arduino BME280 / BMP280 library for s-Sense BME280 and s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensors v0.2/2019.06.24
- Arduino version - arduino.cc version >= 1.8.5. We used 1.8.5
- Install directives - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Take a look at "readme.md" and/or "readme.md" files.
- Examples - "ssense_BMx280_example.ino" and "ssense_BMx280_Environment_Calculations.ino" are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under "ssense-BMx280" library.
- Board compatibility - Arduino 3.3V and Arduino 5V boards having I2C support. We've performed test using: UNO, Mega2560, Nano, Zero, xyz-mIoT modemless and low power 328P/328PB [w. Minicore, 1MHz internal, 3.3V]. For light MCUs some limitation may be encountered related to ROM/RAM sizes.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified in information header of example files.
- Guidelines - Arduino BMP280 how to.
RaspberryPI BME280 and BMP280 Python library for s-Sense BME280 and s-Sense BMP280 I2C sensors v1.0/2020.02.18
- Board compatibility RaspberryPI any version.
- RaspberryPI OS - Linux Debian based.
- Python version - we tested with Python 2.7 - python-smbus2 module dependent.
- Code example - "python bmx280_simple.py" is included in "ssense-BMx280-python" library.
- Sensor wiring - Follow information specified inside guidlines and inside Python package
- Guidelines - RaspberryPI BME280 / BMP280 how to.
- Install directives - Follow setup information specified in guidlines. Take a look at "readmefirstandspareyourtime.txt" file.
- Utilities - itbrainpower.net s-Sense air quality utililies python library
s-Sense documentation and related resources
s-Sense sensor breakout datasheets:
- s-Sense I2C sensor breakout family presentation (pdf)
- BME688 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-BME688#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6007
- CCS811 + HDC2010 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-HDC2010+CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6006
- BME680 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-BME680#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6003
- CCS811 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6004
- HDC2010 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-HDC2010#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6005
- BME280 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-BME280#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6002
- BMP280 I2C breakout datasheet (pdf) - PN: SS-BMP280#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6001
Sensors datasheet:
- BME688 - Low Power Digital Gas, Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor with AI datasheet (pdf) - embedded in BME688 I2C sensor breakout (PN: SS-BME688#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6007)
- HDC2010 - Low Power Humidity and Temperature Digital Sensor datasheet (pdf) - embedded in HDC2010 I2C sensor breakout (PN: SS-HDC2010#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6005) and in HDC2010+CCS811 I2C sensor combo breakout (PN: SS-HDC2010-CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6006)
- CCS811 - Ultra-Low Power Digital Gas Sensor for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality datasheet (pdf) - embedded in CCS811 I2C sensor breakout (PN: SS-CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6004) and in HDC2010+CCS811 I2C sensor combo breakout (PN: SS-HDC2010-CCS811#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6006)
- BME280 - Low Power Digital Temperature Pressure and Humidity Sensor datasheet (pdf) - embedded in BME280 I2C sensor breakout (PN: SS-BME280#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6002)
- BMP280 - Low Power Digital Temperature and Pressure Sensor datasheet (pdf) - embedded in BMP280 I2C sensor breakout (PN: SS-BMP280#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6001)
- BME680 - Low Power Digital Gas, Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor datasheet (pdf) - embedded in BME680 I2C sensor breakout (PN: SS-BME680#I2C / SKU: ITBP-6003)
Projects & how to:
* Arduino BME688 sensor breakout basic how to *NEW* html, online
* Arduino CCS811 sensor breakout how to *NEW* html, online
* Arduino HDC2010 sensor breakout how to *NEW* html, online
* Arduino BME280 sensor breakout how to *NEW* html, online
* Arduino BMP280 sensor breakout how to *NEW* html, online
* Arduino BME680 sensor breakout how to *NEW* html, online
...this section it's under update, right now!
u-GSM shield universal LPWR LTE-CATM1/NB-IoT/4G/3G/GSM modem having BBB/RPI and ITBPMM embedded interfaces
u-GSM software support files
Protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
u-GSM kickstart for Arduino - version 0.9711b0.9711e/2022.03.10>> u-GSM shield software kickstart for Arduino # (zip).
- compatible M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EC91E, EG95E, EG95A and BG96 modem variants.. This software is incompatible with BC95G variant.
- modem features [M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EG91E, EG95E, BG95-M2, BG95-M3 and BG96 versions] and GNSS features [only for BG96 and BG95-M2 versions] test and demo interactive code.
Notes for 0.9711e version: BG95-M2 and BG95-M3 support added. Add network/protocol priority/selection search for BG96 and BG95-M2. Patched DNS server in order to be supported in NBIoT.
Installation: just unpack the archive, open u_GSM_kickstart_0_9711b.ino in Arduino, choose your modem type [M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EG91E, EG95E, BG96 or BG95-M2], compile in Arduino and upload the code.
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for u-GSM shields - version 0.6 0.602/2018.11.01 >> IoT REST support for u-GSM # (zip).
- compatible M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EC91E, EG95E, EG95A and BG96 modem variants.. This software is incompatible with BC95G variant.
- have LTE CATM1 support [for BG96 version], including network registration prioritisation.
- patched applied for BG96 versions [PN UGSM219-BG96#UFL] - updated POWER ON/OFF sequences in order to support modified RST PIN behavior [act as ON/OFF and low power PSM mode]; ENA pin behavior still act as CONNECT/DISCONNECT MODEM POWER
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "uGSM" and choose "__Qmodule__" option in "itbpGSMdefinition.h". Set "__Qmodule__" as: TWOG for M95FA, THREEG for UG95x or UG96, FOURG for EG9x or CATM1 for BG96.
See class examples. HTTP REST examples using u-GSM shield can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
NB IOT [UDP mode] support for u-GSM shields - v0.2 0.3/2019.03.21 >> NB IOT [UDP mode] support for u-GSM shields # (zip).
- compatible only with BG96 and BC95G variants. This software is incompatible with other u-GSM modem variants.
- have NB IoT support including network states signaling [DATAGRAM RECEIVED, ACTIVE, IDLE and PSM modes]
- the archive includes Python based test server [echo]
Installation - Extract and copy the itbpNBIoTClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Install the Python udp echo test server. Follow the directives from "README" files.
Examples - NB IoT examples ["UDP echo and NB IoT states" and "NB-IoT UDP upload data to AllThingsTalk cloud"] for BG96 and BC95G itbrainpower.net shields are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under itbpNBIoTClass library. Other NBIoT examples can be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
- for BC95G shields >> NB IoT [BC95G UDP mode] how to start - 2 parts guided how to.
- for BG96 shields >> Ice-cold NB-IOT for breakfast - BG96 NBIoT mode - 3 parts guided how to.
AllThingsTalk NB IOT SDK updated for u-GSM BC95G shield - v 0.1/2019.03.21 >> AllThingsTalk NB IOT SDK updated for u-GSM BC95G shield # (zip).
- compatible only with BC95G variants. This software is incompatible with other modem variants.
Installation - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Install the Python udp echo test server. Follow the directives from "readme.md" files.
Examples - xyz-mIoT_u-GSM_BC95G_AllThingsTalk_counter.ino [upload data to AllThingsTalk cloud"] for BC95G itbrainpower.net shields are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under arduino-nbiot-sdk-upd-ITBP-modems library.
Guidelines: Read directives inside examples.
Debian12 [bookworm] python and shell script support packages for u-GSM - v 1.00/2024.03.20>> u-GSM python and shell script # (tar.gz).
- compatible M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EC91E, EG95E, EG91A, EG95A, BG96 and BG95-Mx modem variants.. This software is incompatible with BC95G variant.
- python example - control and test modem.
- PPP scripts and routing utility [tethering].
- u-GSM shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] - shell / python based scripts.
- setSerial.py. Change and save u-GSM serial communication speed python utility.
- supports Raspberry PI 5/4/3/2/ZERO w. communication over SERIAL or USB. Compatible w. Debian 12 bookworm [Raspberry PI OS Lite].
u-GSM shield RPI [and BBB] PYTHON examples - version 1.02 1.021/2018.10.17>> u-GSM shield Python examples # (tar.gz).
- compatible M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EC91E, EG95E, EG91A, EG95A, BG96 and BG95-Mx modem variants.. This software is incompatible with BC95G variant.
- python code (control modem, IP DATA TRANSFER w or w/o SSL, SMS, other) examples. Features vary based on modem version.
- the code supports Raspberry PI4/3/2/ZERO [or BeagleBone Black] u-GSM shield interfacing and communication over SERIAL or USB. Debian disto.
- for BeagleBone Black read: BeagleBone Black w. u-GSM modem Debian10 notes
u-GSM shield RPI UTILITIES - version 3.13.1a/2018.10.17>> u-GSM shield Raspberry PI UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
- compatible M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EC91E, EG95E, BG96 and BG-95-Mx modem variants.. This software is incompatible with BC95G variant.
- u-GSM-rasbpian-ppp-3.1.tar.gz - Debian PPP and routing utility [tethering].
- u-GSM shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] -Python based scripts
- setSerial.py. Change and save u-GSM serial communication speed Python utility.
- supports Raspberry PI or BeagleBone Black shield interfacing and communication over SERIAL or USB.
u-GSM shield BeagleBone Black [Debian10] UTILITIES - version 3.1b/2023.03.23>> u-GSM shield BeagleBone Black [Debian10] UTILITIES # (tar.gz).
- compatible M95FA, UG95E, UG96, EC91E, EG95E, BG96 and BG-95-Mx modem variants.. This software is incompatible with BC95G variant.
- u-GSM-DebianBBB-PPP.tar.gz - BeagleBone Black Debian 10 version, modem control, PPP and routing utility [tethering].
- u-GSM shield control modem [PowerOn, PowerOff, Reset] - sh scripting
- Documentation: BeagleBone Black w. u-GSM modem Debian10 notes
u-GSM shield Raspberry PI DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
u-GSM shield Raspberry PI Stretch Lite image # (img zipped).
- compatible with all u-GSM modem variants, including BC95G variant!. The BG95G variant does not support PPP services.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2018-06-27-raspberry-stretch-lite-configured-itbp-modems.zip - Debian Raspberry PI [based on Stretch Lite 2018.06.27] image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [remapped /dev/ttyAMA0]
* enabled USB connectivity support for u-GSM modular modem series
* supported USB conectivity for u-GSM modular modems
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* test files for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd enabled
* enabled root access [1234 default password] [including root remote access enabled]
* mentained "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* remapped /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for UMTS / LTE modems
* modified/remapped hciuart service [enabled BTH support over /dev/serial1 @ 115200bps]
* four additional packages installed [ppp, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* compact size 2Gb image [expanded]
u-GSM shield RPI4 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
u-GSM shield Raspberry PI 4 Buster Lite image # (img zipped).
- compatible with all u-GSM modem variants, including BC95G variant!. The BG95G variant does not support PPP services.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-lite-ITBP-modems-ready-shrink.zip - Debian Raspberry PI [based on Buster Lite 2019.09.26] image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [remapped /dev/ttyAMA0]
* enabled USB connectivity support for u-GSM modular modem series
* supported USB conectivity for u-GSM modular modems
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* test files for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd enabled
* enabled root access [1234 default password] [including root remote access enabled]
* mentained "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* remapped /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for UMTS / LTE modems
* modified/remapped hciuart service [enabled BTH support over /dev/serial1 @ 115200bps]
* four additional packages installed [ppp, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled "avahi-daemon" service
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
u-GSM shield RPI5 DEBIAN image patched for ITBP modems [compatible with RPI5, RPI 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW] >>
u-GSM shield Raspberry PI 5 bookworm lite image # (img.xz).
- compatible with u-GSM modem variants (including BG96, BG95M2 and BG95M3), but BC95G variant is not supported.
- compatible with Raspberry PI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW
2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite-ITBP-modems.img.xz - RaspberryPI OS Lite [Debian 12 bookworm] 2023-12-11 image patched for itbrainpower.net 4G, 3G and GSM modems [compatible with RPI 5, 4, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, II, B+, Zero, ZeroW]. Details:
* SERIAL connectivity support for u-GSM modular modems [/dev/ttyAMA0]
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* modem POWER ON and POWER OFF scripts
* PPP support for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems [default APN setting for RO Orange SIM cards]
* python test scripts for the itbrainpower.net modular and full size modems
Some features:
* dinamic DHCP address for ETH0
* static ETH0:0 IP address []
* sshd daemon enabled
* enabled root access via ssh [having 1234 as default password]
* restaured "rpi" user, having "raspberry" as password
* serial modem conectivity using /dev/ttyAMA0
* mapped USB drivers for itbrainpower.net UMTS / LTE modems [you can use our modems connected via USB w. the RPI]
* five additional packages installed [ppp, python 2.7, python-serial, mc and mtr]
* disabled avahi-daemon
* GPIO python port library designed to replace the missing GPIO python class
* modem ON, modem OFF scrips and PPP handling sample for all itbrainpower.net modems
* python test modem and more scripts for all itbrainpower.net modems
* compact size 4Gb image [expanded]
u-GSM documentation and related resources
USB drivers:
u-GSM shield M95FA and BC95G versions USB drivers CP2102 [external link]
u-GSM shield UG95E and UG96 versions Windows USB drivers here [external link]
u-GSM shield EG91E and EG95E versions Windows USB drivers here [external link]
u-GSM shield BG96 versions Windows USB drivers here
u-GSM shield BG95-Mx versions Windows USB drivers here
Projects & how to:
* Taste the NB IoT flavour [u-GSM shield equipped with BC95G - NB IoT testing] html, online
* NB IoT UDP cloud how to [u-GSM shield equipped with BC95G] html, online
* BeagleBone Black with u-GSM modem Debian10 notes *NEW* html, online
* ITBP modems [including u-GSM shield] and RPI 4 [or other RPI] integation. Raspbian Buster notes. html, online
* itbrainpower.net modems [including u-GSM shield] Raspberry PI software howto html, online
* u-GSM shield Raspberry PI and BEAGLEBONE BLACK hardware howto *NEW* html, online
* Banana sandwich - LTE/3G/GSM IoT gateway how to *NEW* pdf
u-GSM shield presentation v1.03 v1.04 (pdf)
u-GSM shield pinout and jumpers mapping for ITBPMM, RPI and BBB interfaces *NEW* jpg format
u-GSM shield reference TOP *NEW* jpg format
u-GSM shield reference BOTTOM *NEW* jpg format
u-GSM shield - block schematics rev 1.2 1.21 (pdf) *NEW*
u-GSM shield mechanical drawing (png) *NEW*
u-GSM shield modem specifications:
Quectel BG95-M2/BG95-M3 [LTE CAT M1 + NB IoT (CAT NB1 and NB2) modem] - specifications v1.6 (PDF)
Quectel BG96 [LTE CAT M1 + NB IoT + GSM modem] - specifications v1.3 (PDF)
Quectel BC95G [NB IoT only modem] - specifications v1.1 (PDF)
Quectel EG95 [LTE CAT4 + 3G + GSM modem] - specifications v1.2 (PDF)
Quectel EG91 [LTE CAT1 + 3G + GSM modem] - specifications v1.2 (PDF)
Quectel UG96 [3G/UMTS/HSPA + GSM modem] - specifications v1.3 (PDF)
Quectel UG95 [3G/UMTS/HSPA + GSM modem] - specifications v1.5 (PDF)
Quectel M95FA [GSM only modem] - specifications v3.0 (PDF)
u-GSM shield modem AT commands manuals:
Quectel BG95-M2/BG95-M3 [LTE CAT M1 + NB IoT (CAT NB1 and NB2) modem] - AT commands manual v2.0 (PDF)
Quectel BG96 [LTE CAT M1 + NB IoT + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v2.0 (PDF)
Quectel BC95G [NB IoT only modem] - AT commands manual v1.9 (PDF)
Quectel EG95 [LTE CAT4 + 3G + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v1.1 (PDF)
Quectel EG91 [LTE CAT1 + 3G + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v1.1 (PDF)
Quectel UG96 [3G/UMTS/HSPA + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v1.7 (PDF)
Quectel UG95 [3G/UMTS/HSPA + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v1.7 (PDF)
Quectel M95FA [GSM only modem] - AT commands manual v3.2 (PDF)
Daily new resources will become available online...
xyz-mIoT shield ARM0 IOT platform w. integrated sensors and LPWR LTE CATM1/NB-IoT/GSM modems
xyz-mIoT software support files
Important download notice:
All xyz-mIoT boards having modems - protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to - read on top of this page
xyz-mIoT boards without modems - protected resources [marked with "#"] download how to:
- two SN [each 5 digits number] are sticked to the board.
- the first one, is sticked on PCB face having the ATSAMD21G microcontroller [SN1 example: 12345]
- the second SN sticker it is on the reverse side of PCB [SN2 example: 54321]
- at download registration stage, instead IMEI, insert SNl glued with SN2 [in our example the result is: 1234554321]
Second important notice:
xyz-mIoT classes and examples was tested on top of ARDUINO 1.8.5. You may get it from Arduino site or from our copy Arduino 1.8.5 for windows.
xyz-mIoT shields Arduino class - version 0.9/2018.03.21 >> xyz-mIoT Arduino class # (zip).
- compatible with all xyz-mIoT part number, including "modem less" variants.
- contains board definition, USB drivers and firmware for Arduino
- compatible with ARDUINO (arduino.cc v >= 1.8.5)
Install first xyz-mIoT Arduino Hardware Class - quick directives. We use Arduino 1.8.5.
Open Arduino environment.
a. In Arduino select "Tools\Board" then select "Boards manager". Install "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM CORTEX-M0) by Arduino version 1.6.17"
b. Finish instalation, then restart Arduino.
c. Select "File\Preferences". In "Settings" tab, find "schetchbook location data" and copy the path (let's name it "path_to_Arduino").
d. Close Arduino.
e. Explore the path copied before and expand "hardware" the folder. Make a backup copy of the "samd" folder.
f. Replace the "samd" folder with the one expanded from "xyz-mIoT_Arduino_hardware_class.zip".
g. Restart Arduino. In "Tools\Board" listing, at bottom of boards enumaration, you will find the "itbrainpower.net xyz-mIoT" board.
Alternative, in order to preserve your "samd" folder:
- just copy necesary xyz-mIoT files in "variants", "drivers" and "bootloaders\zero" folders.
- edit, as necessary, the "boards.txt"
xyz-mIoT shield USB drivers - path: "your_path_to_Arduino"\hardware\samd\1.6.17\drivers.
IMPORTANT google for: "install unsigned drivers".
xyz-mIoT firmware - path: "path_to_Arduino"\hardware\samd\1.6.17\bootloaders\zero
xyz-mIoT shields RTCC and WDT Arduino classes / 2020.01.08 >> xyz-mIoT shields RTCC and WDT Arduino classes # (zip).
- compatible with all xyz-mIoT part number, including "modem less" variants.
- updated libraries for WDT cohabit with RTC, by sharing 32.768kHz crystal oscillator.
Installation - extract and copy the RTCZero and WDTZero Arduino Libraries folders into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
Examples will be available in Arduino under RTCZero and WDTZero libraries when you select File-> Examples. We recomend you to read the readme files.
xyz-mIoT shields LOW POWER Arduino classes / 2020.02.29 >> xyz-mIoT shields low power Arduino class # (zip).
- compatible with all xyz-mIoT part number, including "modem less" variants.
- 35-37 uA typical SLEEP current for sensor-less xyz-mIoT versions, slightly higher for other. Valid for xyz-mIoT powering via LiPO pads [Vbat and GND] in 3.3-4.2V range, as usually for LiPO, LiION rechargeable batteries and Lithium primary batteries.
- 7-9 uA typical SLEEP current for xyz-mIoT ULP versions when powered by Lithium primary batteries.
- SAMD21G Serial, Serial1 and ResetAllPINS for low power algorithms support.
- 32.768kHz crystal oscillator maintained in SLEEP mode for RTCC wake accuracy.
Installation - extract and copy the xyz-mIoT low power Arduino library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
DEEP sleep example w. RTCC and D7 interrupt WAKE [having Serial and Serial1 active] is available in Arduino under xyz-mIoT_LowPower libraries when you select File-> Examples. We recomend you to read the readme files.
Guidelines - read readme files inside library and xyz-mIoT low power tips and tricks. SAMD21G@SLEEP w. ~35-37uA how to.
xyz-mIoT shields SENSORS support Arduino class - version 0.89/2018.07.09 >> xyz-mIoT shields SENSORS support Arduino class # (zip).
- compatible with all xyz-mIoT part number, including "modem less" variants. PN examples: XYZMIOT209#aaaa-bbb-1xxxxxx, XYZMIOT209#aaaa-bbb-x1xxxxx and XYZMIOT209#aaaa-bbb-xxxx1xx
- contains Arduino sensors definition and code examples for HDC2010, DRV5032 and CCS811 sensors and for Vraw and Vbat voltage reading.
Installation - extract and copy the HDC2010 and CCS811 Arduino Libraries folders into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
Examples for xyz-mIoT sensors will be available in Arduino under HDC2010 and CCS811 libraries when you select File-> Examples.
xyz-mIoT kickstart for Arduino - version 0.9711a 0.9711e/2022.03.10>> xyz-mIoT shield software kickstart for Arduino # (zip).
- compatible only with EG91, BG96, BG95-M2, BG95-M3 and M95FA variants. This software is incompatible with BC95G and "modem less" variants.
- modem features [M95FA, BG96, BG95-M2, BG95-M3 and EG91 versions] and GNSS features [BG96, BG95-M2 versions] test and demo interactive code.
Notes for 0.9711e version: BG95-M2 and BG95-M3 support added. Add network/protocol priority/selection search for BG96 and BG95-M2. Patched DNS server in order to be supported in NBIoT.
IoT REST [transparent socket] support for xyz-mIoT shields - version 0.602 0.603/2020.06.03 >> IoT REST support for xyz-mIoT # (zip).
- compatible only with EG91, BG96 and M95FA variants. This software is incompatible with BC95G and "modem less" variants. PN examples: XYZMIOT209#EG91E-bbb-xxxxxxx, XYZMIOT209#BG96-bbb-xxxxxxx and XYZMIOT209#M95FA-bbb-xxxxxxx
- BG96 code includes LTE CATM1 network registration prioritisation.
- Extract and copy the itbpGSMClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook.
- Set "__itbpModem__" as "xyzmIoT" and choose "__Qmodule__" option in "itbpGSMdefinition.h". Set "__Qmodule__" as: FOURG for UG91, TWOG for M95FA or CATM1 for BG96.
See class examples. HTTP REST examples using xyz-mIoT shield can always be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
NB IOT [UDP mode] support for xyz-mIoT shields - v0.1 0.2/2018.10.16 >> NB IOT [UDP mode] support for xyz-mIoT shields # (zip).
- compatible only with BG96 and BC95G variants. This software is incompatible with M95FA and "modem less" variants.
- IMPORTANT: v0.2 is compatible with ONLY BC95G variant - PN: XYZMIOT209#BC95G-bbb-xxxx1xx; from v0.3 [we are working on that] will provide support also for BG96 versions
- have NB IoT support including network states signaling [DATAGRAM RECEIVED, ACTIVE, IDLE and PSM modes]
- the archive includes Python based test server [echo]
Installation - Extract and copy the itbpNBIoTClass Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Install the Python udp echo test server. Follow the directives from "README" files.
Examples - NB IoT examples ["UDP echo and NB IoT states" and "NB-IoT UDP upload data to AllThingsTalk cloud"] for BG96 and BC95G itbrainpower.net shields are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under itbpNBIoTClass library. Other NBIoT examples can be found at https://itbrainpower.net/projects.
- for BC95G shields >> NB IoT [BC95G UDP mode] how to start - 2 parts guided how to
- for BG96 shields >> Ice-cold NB-IOT for breakfast - BG96 NBIoT mode - 3 parts guided how to.
AllThingsTalk NB IOT SDK updated for xyz-mIoT BC95G shield - v 0.1/2019.04.21 >> AllThingsTalk NB IOT SDK updated for xyz-mIoT BC95G shield # (zip).
- compatible only BC95G variants. This software is incompatible with other xyz-mIoT variants.
Installation - Extract and copy the class in Arduino Library folder into the 'libraries' folder found in your Arduino Sketchbook. Install the Python udp echo test server. Follow the directives from "readme.md" files.
Examples - xyz-mIoT_u-GSM_BC95G_AllThingsTalk_counter.ino [upload data to AllThingsTalk cloud"] for BC95G itbrainpower.net shields are available in Arduino "File-> Examples", under arduino-nbiot-sdk-upd-ITBP-modems library.
Guidelines: Read directives inside examples.
Soon, other resources will become available.
xyz-mIoT documentation and related resources
Projects and how to:
Taste the NB IoT flavour [xyz-mIoT shield equipped with BC95G - NB IoT testing] *NEW* html, online
NB IoT UDP cloud how to - xyz-mIoT shield equipped with BC95G *NEW* html, online
xyz-mIOT shield - temperature and humidity sensors CLOUD logger [xyz-mIoT equipped with BG96 or M95FA; LTE CAT M1 / 2G data transmission] project.
xyz-mIoT shield family brief info v1.031 v1.032 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield equipped w. BG96 (LTE CATM1, NB IoT, 2G GLOBAL modem + GNSS) presentation v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield equipped w. BC95G (NB IoT modem, GLOBAL) presentation v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield equipped w. EG91E(X) (4G,3G, 2G modem, EUROPE/ASIA/AFRICA) presentation v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield equipped w. EG95A(X) (4G,3G modem + GNSS, NORTH AMERICA) presentation v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield equipped w. M95FA (2G modem, GLOBAL) presentation v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield basic version (no modem) presentation v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield presentation v0.5 (pdf)
xyz-mIoT shield specifications and PN coding schema v0.7 (pdf)
xyz-mIoT shield common and PN specific features v1.03 (pdf) *NEW*
xyz-mIoT shield pinout, port map and more, pdf format or, in png format
xyz-mIoT shield - block schematics rev 1.1 (pdf)
xyz-mIoT shield mechanical drawing (png)
xyz-mIoT modems specification:
Quectel EG95 specifications v1.2 (pdf)
Quectel EG91 specifications v1.2 (pdf)
Quectel BG96 specifications v1.3 (pdf) * used in PN like: XYZMIOT209#BG96-....
Quectel BC95G specifications v1.1 (pdf) * used in PN like: XYZMIOT209#BC95G-....
Quectel UG96 specifications v1.3 (pdf) * used in PN like: XYZMIOT209#UG96-....
Quectel M95FA specifications v3.0 (pdf) * used in PN like: XYZMIOT209#M95FA-....
xyz-mIoT modems AT commands manuals:
Quectel BG96 [LTE CAT M1 + NB IoT + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v2.0 (PDF)
Quectel BC95G [NB IoT only modem] - AT commands manual v1.9 (PDF)
Quectel M95FA [GSM only modem] - AT commands manual v3.2 (PDF)
Quectel EG91E [LTE CAT1 + 3G + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v1.1 (PDF)
Quectel EG95A [LTE CAT1 + 3G modem] - AT commands manual v1.1 (PDF)
Quectel UG96 [3G/UMTS/HSPA + GSM modem] - AT commands manual v1.7 (PDF)
xyz-mIoT micro-controller datasheet:
Microchip/Atmel ATSAMD21G - ARM0 microcontroller datasheet (pdf)
xyz-mIoT sensors datasheet:
HDC2010 - Low Power Humidity and Temperature Digital Sensor datasheet (pdf) - embedded in PN like: XYZMIOT209#aaaa-bbb-1xxxxxx
CCS811 - Ultra-Low Power Digital Gas Sensor for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality datasheet (pdf) - PN like: XYZMIOT209#aaaa-bbb-xxxx1xx
DRV5032 - Ultra-Low-Power Digital-Switch Hall Effect Sensor datasheet (pdf) - embedded in PN like: XYZMIOT209#aaaa-bbb-x1xxxxx
KP-2012P3C - IR phototransistor datasheet (pdf)
SW-200D - roll ball switch datasheet (pdf)
Soon, other resources will become available.
This page it is under constant update...