xyz-mIoT equipped w. EG95A modem ** low power ARM0 IoT shield with
LTE CAT4, 3G North America modem + GNSS and optional sensors

Read our last post: Modems and RaspberryPI 5. RaspberryPI OS [Debian 12 bookworm] notes..

xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: FEATURES

xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem - low power ARM0 IoT shield with LTE CAT4, 3G modem + GNSS and optional sensors - top xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem - low power ARM0 IoT shield with LTE CAT4, 3G modem + GNSS and optional sensors - bottom

PN: XYZMIOT209#EG95A-UFL-0000000   SKU: ITBP-4014 - LiPO/LiION charger, no embedded sensors, uFL variant
PN: XYZMIOT209#EG95A-SMA-0000000   SKU: ITBP-4064 - LiPO/LiION charger, no embedded sensors, SMA variant
PN: XYZMIOT209#EG95A-UFL-ULP   SKU: ITBP-4074 - ultra low power (~7-9 uA deep sleep), Lithium Primer battery only, no embedded sensors, uFL variant
PN: XYZMIOT209#EG95A-SMA-ULP   SKU: ITBP-4084 - ultra low power (~7-9 uA deep sleep), Lithium Primer battery only, no embedded sensors, SMA variant
Those devices are compliant with North America LTE networks only!

other modem variants: xyz-mIoT equipped w. M95FA modem [GSM / GPRS], xyz-mIoT equipped w. BG95 modem [LTE CATM / NB IoT + GNSS], xyz-mIoT equipped w. BC95G modem [NBIOT], xyz-mIoT equipped w. BG96 modem [LTE CATM1 / NBIOT / eGPRS + GNSS], xyz-mIoT equipped w. EG91E modem [LTE CAT1 / 3G / 2G, European] and xyz-mIoT basic [no modem]

Modem side - Quectel EG95A
Radio protocols: LTE CAT4 + 3G modem + GNSS
GLOBAL coverage: no - North America - see bands and transfer speeds supported here.
GNSS support:
yes - Galileo, GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou/Compass, QZSS
SIM support: 1 x NANO SIM/USIM socket.
External SIM support: yes - 5 pin 1.27mm interface.
Embedded SIM support: yes - feature available for high volume batches and for selected partners only

Additional power management: modem power separation controlled by shield MCU
GNSS active antenna: yes + power management by shield MCU

GSM radio interface: u.FL (SKU: ITBP4014 and ITBP-4074) SMA (SKU: ITBP4064 and ITBP-4084)
GNSS radio interface: u.FL

modem USB soldering pads: yes

Quectel EG95A modem specifications (pdf)
Quectel EG95A AT commands (pdf)

MCU side - ATMEL SAMD21G - Arm® Cortex®-M0 32-bit.
Clock Speed: 32.768 kHz (RTCC) - crystal controlled, 48 MHz
Flash Memory / SRAM: 256 KB / 32KB
WDT: yes, having crystal time accuracy support

Interfacing Voltage: 3.3V
Digital I/O Pins:13 + (analog, I2C, SPI, other) pins via alternate function + 2 reserved for shield power management
DC current per I/O Pin: 7 mA
PWM Pins: 12
UART (hardware): 1 + 1 reserved for modem communication
SPI(hardware) 1
I2C (hardware) 1
Analog Input Pins 5 (ADC 8/10/12 bit)
External Interrupts 8

Microchip/Atmel ATSAMD21G - ARM0 microcontroller datasheet (pdf)

Embedded sensors side
optional sensors: up to six sensors, PN dependent - see sensors per PN here
THS sensor (optional): HDC2010 - Low Power Humidity and Temperature Digital Sensor datasheet (pdf)
CO2 + TVOC sensor (optional): CCS811 - Ultra-Low Power Digital Gas Sensor for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality datasheet (pdf)
HALL sensor (optional): DRV5032 - Ultra-Low-Power Digital-Switch Hall Effect Sensor datasheet (pdf)
IR sensor (optional): KP-2012P3C - IR phototransistor datasheet (pdf)
vibration / tilt sensor (optional): SW-200D - roll ball switch datasheet (pdf)

voltage samplers (standard) - 2 dedicated ADCs for Vraw (power in line) and Vbat (battery voltage)

Powering side and power management
Specifications for ITBP-4074 and ITBP-4084 ultra low power variants:
Ultra low power design: yes – down to 7-9uA* total shield deep sleep current support
Direct powering: - 3.10-3.68 V supply (min. 500mA sustained and 2A pulse capable) applied to VBAT and GND pins.
Integrated battery charger: no
Rechargeable batteries support: no

Specifications for ITBP-4014 and ITBP-4064 variants
Low power design: yes – down to 35-40uA* total shield deep sleep current support
No rechargeable battery powering: yes - 3.60-4.20 V supply (min. 500mA sustained and 2A pulse capable) connected to VBAT and GND pins.
Integrated battery charger: yes having 6V solar cell support
Rechargeable batteries supported: single cell LiPO / LiION min. 250mAh or super-capacitor >1F / >5V w. ESR less than 150mOhm
Battery charger inputs and voltages: USB (5V) / Vraw (4.8-7V)

Specifications common for all variants:
Lithium primer battery support : yes - via VBAT and GND pins.

3.3V for MCU, sensors and external devices: via internal LDO

max. current on 3.3V PAD: 75mA minus the total current sink by output ports
max. DC current per MCU I/O pin: 7 mA

Additional modem power management: yes(modem power separation controlled by MCU
* measured at 25 C, RTCC and GPIO interrupt wake routines, crystal controlled WDT and RTCC, two UART and I2C. No embedded sensors variant was used for this test.

Dimensions: 1.4"x1.8" (35.56 x 45.72mm).
Weight: ~7g.


xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: INTERFACES, PADS / PORTS and CONNECTORS

xyz-mIoT shield v 2.09 - bottom layer, component identification


Right image: bottom PCB with component identification*.

PADS & PORTS allocation information here.
More accurate info should be obtain by consulting xyz-mIoT block schema.

Keep in mind that available components and features are PN dependent, check this.

* GNSS feature is NOT available for this variant!


xyz-mIoT shield v 2.09 equipped with EG95A modem - bottom layer, LEDs and RESET SWITCH

LEDs, RESET SWITCH and additional info

2. GREEN LED - network status LED
3. YELLOW LED - D13 - ARDUINO system LED
4. RED LED (left) - battery charger LED
5. RED LED (center) - modem power LED

* enable programming mode - push RESET twice (fast)
* reset shield - push RESET button only once

- on right side - nano SIM socket connector
- on left side - LiPO battery PADS (LiPO+/Vbat and GND)
- on left side - USB mini B connector


xyz-mIoT shield v 2.09 equipped with EG95A modem - external SIM  interface and GSM connector

External SIM CARD port, antenna connector

External SIM card interface
- if not used, leave them not connected
- if used, in order to avoid interferences, keep the wires as short as possible and take in to account the routing.

GSM side antenna connector
xyz-mIoT shield may be ordered with u.FL connector or with SMA F connector. Check PN and options here.


xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: ARDUINO libraries, EXAMPLES and UTILITIES 

Resources marked with "#", requires for download the following information: your name, email address and the modem IMEI. The modem IMEI can be found printed on the Quectel GSM module, or run AT+GMGS command.

xyz-mIoT shield Arduino board definition library, RTCC, WDT and low power Arduino support libraries, embedded sensors Arduino libraries and code examples for Arduino can be downloaded from our download page.

xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD/ONLINE

The xyz-mIoT shield documentation can be found here.

xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: ARDUINO PROJECTS

GETTING STARTED posts containing xyz-mIoT by powering, low power / solar cell powering tips and tricks and interfacing guidelines for GSM / low power modems, ethernet, WIFI, LORA, SD card reader, TFT displays, sensors, relays and other modules, together with CLOUD integration examples can be found in projects section.


xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: ORDER ONLINE

Variants having onboard LiPO/LiION battery charger:
- xyz-mIoT w. EG95A and uFL connector >> ITBP-4014
- xyz-mIoT w. EG95A and SMA connector >> ITBP-4064


xyz-mIoT equipped with EG95A modem :: ORDER FROM OUR DISTRIBUTORS

Choose and order from one distributor near you.


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document version 1.222 / 2022-02-10 © R&D Software Solutions srl