itbrainpower.netxyz-mIoT equipped w. M95FA modem ** low power ARM0 IoT shield
xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: FEATURES![]() ![]()
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xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: INTERFACES, PADS / PORTS and CONNECTORS
PADS / PORTSRight image: bottom PCB with component identification*. PADS & PORTS allocation information here. More accurate info should be obtain by consulting xyz-mIoT block schema. Keep in mind that available components and features are PN dependent, check this. * GNSS feature is NOT available for this variant! |
LEDs, RESET SWITCH and additional info1. RESET SWITCH - RESET/PROGRAMMING functions* 2. GREEN LED - network status LED 3. YELLOW LED - D13 - ARDUINO system LED 4. RED LED (left) - battery charger LED 5. RED LED (center) - modem power LED * enable programming mode - push RESET twice (fast) * reset shield - push RESET button only once - on right side - nano SIM socket connector - on left side - LiPO battery PADS (LiPO+/Vbat and GND) - on left side - USB mini B connector |
External SIM CARD port, antenna connectorExternal SIM card interface 1. SIM VDD 2. SIM DATA 3. SIM RESET 4. SIM GND 5. SIM CLOCK - if not used, leave them not connected - if used, in order to avoid interferences, keep the wires as short as possible and take in to account the routing. GSM side antenna connector xyz-mIoT shield may be ordered with u.FL connector or with SMA F connector. Check PN and options here. |
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xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: ARDUINO libraries, EXAMPLES and UTILITIES
Resources marked with "#", requires for download the following information: your name, email address and the modem IMEI. The modem IMEI can be found printed on the Quectel GSM module, or run AT+GMGS command. xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD/ONLINEThe xyz-mIoT shield documentation can be found here. xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: ARDUINO PROJECTSGETTING STARTED posts containing xyz-mIoT by powering, low power / solar cell powering tips and tricks and interfacing guidelines for GSM / low power modems, ethernet, WIFI, LORA, SD card reader, TFT displays, sensors, relays and other modules, together with CLOUD integration examples can be found in projects section. |
xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: ORDER ONLINEVariants having onboard LiPO/LiION battery charger and embedded sensors:- xyz-mIoT w. M95FA, CCS811 (CO2 and TVOC), HDC2010(THS), DRV5032(HALL) and uFL connector >> ITBP-4007 - xyz-mIoT w. M95FA, HDC2010(THS), DRV5032(HALL) and uFL connector >> ITBP-4008 Variants having onboard LiPO/LiION battery charger, no sensors embedded: - xyz-mIoT w. M95FA and uFL connector >> ITBP-4009 | |
xyz-mIoT equipped with M95FA modem :: ORDER FROM OUR DISTRIBUTORSChoose and order from one distributor near you. | |
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